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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023

  • I have no experience with this, but happened to have seen an interview with Ludwig Minelli, the founder of Dignitas (an organisation for assisted death). The man is 90+ and still fighting for this right. I believe I saw it in a video format, but I think this was the interview - I think it’s worth a read.

    I’d suggest you look up the contact for the various organisations and reach out with your situation and questions to see what they say. They’re likely to be much better sources of information.

  • I’m neither a cop nor a secret service agent, but I would expect that they cooperate to some degree at least on these events. Doesn’t even need to be much, just stand a cop with a radio next to an agent with a radio somewhere so they can immediately pass on information to each other and relay it to their respective colleagues. Armed shooter sighted on roof seems like a worthy bit of intel to wanna pass along.

    If they don’t have the means to relay information to each other… that seems rather shortsighted on both sides.

  • Scary read, honestly. I’m shocked she’s only got 8 years so far considering she started grooming a 14 year old for essentially slavery. The summary of their interview with her in the end absolutely paints an unhinged psychopath - as if her actions weren’t enough already.

    I can’t imagine the state of mind her victims had to be in to hand over 10s of thousands of dollars a month and somehow still not consider that they have the means to escape.

    Kudos to the lady who managed to get away early and pursued the issue so the others could be rescued in the end, but ffs if only the law enforcement believed her earlier so much suffering could have been avoided…

  • It’s such a contrast from Europe. I had the cops called on me once in the UK (and they also don’t have a great reputation) as I drank too much and somehow got stuck in someone’s garden knocking on their window at like 3am to let me out.

    Cops came, ID’d me, asked what I was doing there and helped me climb out/half pulled me out then gave me a ride home. I remember them just having a laugh at me being stupid due to being drunk. I asked them if they could cuff me cuz I wanted to know what it’s like and they said no because they didn’t want me to hurt myself by falling over or something. I also asked if we could go through the McDonald’s drive through when we went by one on the way and offered to bribe them with a happy meal but they just chuckled and told me they can’t do that unfortunately. One of them walked me up to my flat and made sure I got in safe before leaving. Granted I wasn’t arrested or anything, but it felt like a positive experience and I woke up feeling thankful for them having been there the night before.

    To contrast, I’ve once been pulled over in the US with friends and even though the cop didn’t do or say anything wrong, I distinctly remember feeling like his tone and demeanor was challenging (as if he wanted us to argue with him or something). We were let go without a ticket or anything in the end, all he said when we asked why we were pulled over is that it’s a routine check. It felt like a very negative experience and from what it sounds like, it’s as good as it could have gone in the US.