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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I think it’s more that he doesn’t give a shit what happens because he can only be elected for one more term

    That’s what I was initially thinking. Maybe he doesn’t give a shit what happens in 4 years because he won’t be running and he doesn’t give a shit what happens after that. He doesn’t care about people voting Republican in 4 years because he’ll be gone.

    But, then I tried to imagine him peacefully handing power over just because the constitution limits how many terms he could serve… and I just couldn’t picture that.

    I mean sure, if he’s elected he’ll definitely do everything possible to destroy any legal cases against him. He’ll also try to have anybody who pissed him off sent to Guantanamo or something. But, will he really want to just retire after that? Even if he feels safe because any potential enemy has been put away, can you really picture him giving up the spotlight and power that comes with the presidency? I can’t.

  • Yeah. A bigger deal than the titanic is that she most likely met people who fought for the south in the Civil War. It ended in 1865, only 44 years before she was born. An 18 year old soldier in the civil war would have been about 62 when she was born. They would have been old men, but she probably ran into a few of them in her life.

    Aside from that, the Tulsa Race Massacre would have happened when she was a pre-teen. Her teenage years would have been filled with countless stories of lynchings. Then she would have had to deal with the great depression in her 20s, then WWII in her 30s.

  • I’d be hesitant to trust it with “summarize this obtuse spec document” when half the time said documents are self-contradictory or downright wrong. Again, plausible bullshit isn’t suitable.

    That’s why I have my doubts when people say it’s saving them a lot of time or effort. I suspect it’s planting bombs that they simply haven’t yet found. Like it generated code and the code seemed to work when they ran it, but it contains a subtle bug that will only be discovered later. And the process of tracking down that bug will completely wreck any gains they got from using the LLM in the first place.

    Same with the people who are actually using it on human languages. Like, I heard a story of a government that was overwhelmed with public comments or something, so they were using an LLM to summarize those so they didn’t have to hire additional workers to read the comments and summarize them. Sure… and maybe it’s relatively close to what people are saying 95% of the time. But 5% of the time it’s going to completely miss a critical detail. So, you go from not having time to read all the public comments so not being sure what people are saying, to having an LLM give you false confidence that you know what people are saying even though the LLM screwed up its summary.

  • We are relatively few in numbers in comparison to the boomers

    That’s not true. The birth rate dropped slightly from the low 20s per 1000 in the 40s to the mid-60s, then dropped to the high teens in the Gen X era. Relatively few in numbers implies that there were twice as many boomers or something. The reality is that there were about 75 million baby boomers births, and about 65 million Gen X.

    Trump is a boomer (1946, same year as Clinton and Bush), Biden is a “silent generation” guy, born before the end of WWII. He’s actually the first (and presumably last) Silent Generation president. The ones before him were all boomers or “greatest” generation.