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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I honestly wonder how those meetings go. It has to be comical villainous to spend so much time trying to fuck over your customer not allowing them to fix what they purchased from you.

    I just don’t get it, if an item breaks and I can’t at least try to fix it, there is no way I’m purchasing from the same brand again.

    So what is the motivation here? The thing that has kept me with companies is good customer service and a generous warranty service.

    Denying claims and making it impossible to fix it myself will get you instantly on my ban list.

    So what gives? How did we get here?

  • Immigration is such a fucked up issue almost everywhere. You’ve got the right blaming everything on brown people and the left claiming all immigrants are just peace loving pacifists looking for a better life.

    As with most issues the truth is in the middle and any immigration policy should absolutely demand that any immigrant coming into a country assimilate and fully support our values of equality for all.

    You cannot tell me you support equality for all when your religion makes your wife walk 5 steps behind you in a beekeeper suit at 30c weather while you get to strut around in shorts and flip-flops.

  • What is natural? There’s animals that dig into other animals brains and eat them slowly. There’s animals that paralyze their victims and eat them slowly. There’s parasites that infect their host and force them to get eaten by controlling them and removing their fear center. There’s animals that eat their own young. There animals that only eat the young of others.

    This notion that nature isn’t cruel and unforgiving is just a fairytale.

    The amazing thing about humans is that we can actually feel compassion for others, even other species and strive to reduce their suffering as much as possible. I’m really getting tired of people being so negative all the damn time.

    Our food production needs to do better and be better but it will only do so because of us, not because we “listen to nature” or whether else people love to spew out trying to sound enlightened.

  • If you are having trouble understanding simply replace cis white male, with any other group like gay black woman. Is it still funny and ok?

    I don’t like to discriminate against races and sexes no matter where it’s coming from. And saying “it’s just a prank, bro” doesn’t make it ok.

    There are plenty of ways to make a joke like this by actually targeting bigots.

    My simple rule is: if it’s something you are born with it’s not ok to lump people together (race, sex, sexual orientation). If it’s something you chose, like political affiliation, etc then it’s all fair game.