Coming from Trump and his ilk, that’s a compliment. Fuck you, too, orange buddy.
Coming from Trump and his ilk, that’s a compliment. Fuck you, too, orange buddy.
Ooor, someone had to “survive” their family’s bullshit and being unseen was the best way to do it. Then it became so ingrained in said someone’s existential fingerprint, that they’re now a ninja without even realising it.
Yyyep, that sounds pretty standard fare (no pun intended), I’ve lived mostly in abstract neighborhoods in terms of infrastructure and had to chase rides in a grand majority of cases.
Plus, honestly, even the way it handled the construction jam sounds acceptable, reminds me of my first days of learning to drive. As long as they stop and stay stopped, that’s way better than deciding to ignore the sensor data and just go for it, like… some other models…
Genuinely a relief to hear, thank you!
As snarky as my initial comment may sound (even to me, I have by-proxy distrust of contemporary models due to their knobhead owners), I’m genuinely glad to hear they figured that one out! At least there’s less danger for everyone around, at the VERY least.
Very much this… Honestly, we should’ve rebranded to Romerica starting with the 90s given just how much we have been blindly following their lead…
And I’m not saying this as an insult to America, believe it or not, as this very thing stands as an insult to our nation’s entire history. Ffs, even our anthem has been telling us to go our own way!
Edit: the current turmoil would be the perfect opportunity to split from these sickly influences and to finally establish ourselves as a European nation (idealistically, not… realistically, so to speak…). We’d have so much to offer if we’d just replace the people and systems which are in place exclusively to syphon money from our country with people and systems which would function with the sole interest of developing the country itself for the benefit of the citizenry.
And by this I mean pretty much the exact opposite of what Trump’s doing. We need people. We’ve been losing great minds left and right because living in this place is such a fucking needless headache 75% of the time, we need to change that. And we need to make this place welcoming instead of tightening the belt like idiots…
This whole economic downfall has never been a Right or Left-Wing issue, it’s been a “shitheads are running the game for their own interests” issue…
How are they with parking lots, tho’?
Deer confirmed as reptilian invaders from space, noted.
Heh, sounds like what one of my exes used to do when she wanted some alone time, she’d throw me an informational rabbit hole and let me dive right in it for a couple of hours=)))
Jesus Christ, it didn’t even take my brain a millisecond to start fantasising…
“You’re also a contortionist in this scenario.”
Fair, could’ve used a few lighter nudges beforehand. We came close to kissing a couple of times before, but it never materialised and I’ve never been one to push.
Plus, in all fairness, I was baked out of my gourd and mesmerised by the movie (I can’t say I like Sandler movies, but they sorta’ entrance my brain into trying to make sense of them every time). It was most certainly not a sexy times kinda’ mood for me:))
I don’t even know why I bother with this train of though at this point, but I just can’t figure out if he seriously believes the shit he’s spouting, or if he’s just playing up the shock value like an edgelord. I mean, it’s clear he’s way dumber than he thinks himself to be, but I can’t get the nuance in it…
Oh, wow, that sounds pretty deep, too! Makes one wonder how things could’ve gone differently had we caught the hints for what they were.
Or at least they make for cute and funny stories if nothing else!
Hah! Had something very similar happen to me in high-school.
Had this very metal friend, and being the hormonal teenager I was, I kinda’ lusted pretty badly after her. I didn’t do or say anything about it, getting along and having someone with whom to chat during metal concerts and while hanging out at the local dive spot for people with such inclinations was enough.
We used to hang out a lot after class, she was one year younger so we had similar schedules. She sorta’ hinted that she “didn’t dislike” me every now and again, but had a… tumultuous repertoire of random relationships, so my gut told me to hang back. She not once invited me over to her place, though. Until one afternoon when she did.
It was nearing the summer vacation, it was a torrid day from the start, the dive was closed for “renovations” (meaning someone probably puked over the bar again), so we were just sitting aimlessly on a random curb, thinking about what to do. She presented the idea of schmoozing over to hers for a toke and a comedy. My beautiful brain instantly dismissed any ‘nefarious’ potentialities and set itself to “friendly.”
We got over to hers, rolled one up, she selected some Adam Sandler comedy (I honestly don’t remember which one, they all blend together in my memory…), and we started happily baking. About halfway through the movie, she tells me she’s headed for the washroom to freshen up. I don’t even think I registered the though, I just kept absorbing the movie.
She comes out ten minutes later, buck naked and confident. Says nothing and starts returning to the couch. I swivel my head toward her as I felt she was coming, and get but a flash of flesh. My right hand instantly flies to my eyes, I start spouting panicked apologies and a jumble of “fucks” and “shits,” then I hurry toward the front door while keeping my eyes covered.
I realised what had happened several months later. She didn’t say anything about that afternoon again, and neither did I. We continued hanging out for a couple more years, I think.
You don’t need to assume that it isn’t a tragic familial background, either. Or any other sort of trauma/condition which would push one to close off. Throwing the “soulless” label aroud willy-nilly is just an extension of abusing the “narcissist” moniker. It prohibits any nuance and facilitates unjustified suspicion.
Yes, there are sociopaths who can be considered soulless. But just because one is odd does not intrinsically mean one is soulless. There’s a plethora of other potential reasons.
Plus, don’t forget, oddity is in the eye of the beholder in the first place. My odd may be completely different than your odd.