Idk usually I just use either a scale or estimate. Cooking is pretty much all vibes based. The only thing I even measure is coffe in g and stuff for baking in 10s of g.
Idk usually I just use either a scale or estimate. Cooking is pretty much all vibes based. The only thing I even measure is coffe in g and stuff for baking in 10s of g.
Is there a state that is not disrespecting human rights ? I for one haven’t heard of any.
Weed Like 45 days ago, I still see myself going back to it but not for a while, and ideally not as a habit. Everything else sorta fades in and out pretty easily so far.
On android the trick is to do the same as you would on desktop. So Firefox + unlock origin.
Almost anything I claim to want to do.
Coffe is the only physical indulgence I can afford, because the other self indulgent behaviour is not to plan anything, to wake up and choose what I spend my time on.
The sad thing is that it is buyable but not in places below like 200k population. In Europe idk how far third wave type coffe got everywhere else but I’d imagine in international cities it’s largely available all over the world.
It’s frankly insane how different a specialty coffe place is from a Caffe. And how many specialty coffe places there are in big cities/ university towns.
The provinces seem to not be able to sustain good coffe unfortunately. Unless there is someone who doesn’t care about the balance sheet.
I have a 1 hour video from a digital artist/ programmer that will tell you essentially why it being lifeless matters.
Essentialy, everything before AI was either of mechanistic natural beauty, derived from biological chemical, physical processes, like the leaf of a plant the winding of rivers the shape of mountains etc. ,or it was made by human desicions, there was intentionality thought and perseverance behind every sentence you read, every object you held or owned, every depiction you would look at.
And this made the thing made by humanity inherently understandable as a result of human descion making, creativity, you might not agree with the causes and the outcomes of those decisions, but there was something there to retrace, and this retracing this understanding, made it beautifull, unique or interesting.
Same with the natural objects and phenomenon, you could retrace their existence to causes, causes that unfold a world in their own right, leading you to ask questions about their existence, their creation, their process.
In this retracing, these real links to people, to land and to nature lies the real beauty. The life so to say is them being part of this network for you to take a peek into, through their art, their creation, their mere existence.
Now we have a third category a thing or text or image that exists solely because an imitation machine, an AI is able to crate it, and it can fulfill some profit motive, there is no thought and no intentionality behind this writing this art and so on, it’s a result of statistical models which are built on what existed in the real world, and robs most if not all of these building blocks by just existing. It fills their place, it takes the energy they needed, the intelligence and decision-making they can create, and uses it to replace them, gradually over time.
And it doesn’t really give back, it doesn’t create value in the sense that we can retrace and understand what it makes, it’s a statistical result, there are no causes to peek into besides pretty boring math, and a collection of data it was trained on, a collection so big and varied that looking at it’s entirety might as well just be looking at everything, it tells us nothing, it doesn’t lead us to ask what there is behind it in the same way.
Also most likely goes at the most crowded time for some reason.
Idk if I’m just lucky but even what are supposed to be super busy touristy things I’ve mostly been able to see among fairly chill/ no crowds. And this includes Rome, Venice, Jerusalem, Istanbul, Berlin, Amsterdam among others, and in most of these visits to their respective cultural/ architectural/historical hotspots.
Like literally just go in April or early October I guess. Or like at night. Something like this.
Both are primarily a means for profit, as most tasks accomplished with a car are more reasonably done a different way. The efficiency of road based motorised transport is so abysmal that it almost doesn’t make sense.
The only reason we rely on it currently to such an extend is because our entire economy is highly irrational, except if seen from a supremely privileged point of view.
Signal to noise is all edffd up
Olive oil, butter and coconut oil are the ones that get used in my kitchen, none of it has to do with what you discussed in the OP, the reason for using them is basically flavour above everything else. I also have roasted sesame and pumpkin seed oil for finishing.
There are to many genres in gaming so if we reduce the scope to only card games (which is obviously the only relevant genre), It’s slay the spire obviously.
Hellmode - Jeff Rosenstock
The only other thing I’m listening to atm. is the Monogatari series openings and endings
I mostly just think worst and even better is hard to judge. We just exist here. Good and bad are just labels. And I find absurd to be an often more applicable one when it comes to the timeline stuff.
Mysterium among others already mentioned. Very similar core mechanic to dixit, but co-op and some what longer/more expansive.
From Germany and know German and English. I can read Dutch and understand snippets but speaking it is beyond me.