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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024


  • Biden dropping out right now would all but guarantee that Trump won the Presidency. Anyone calling for him to drop out knows this, and is doing it likely as someone who is horribly misguided, or intentionally to try and sway our elections by a foreign entity.

    We’re past the point of registrations across multiple states, the supreme court is controlled by the right, and there is absolutely no way to swap those names out and get the new names on the ballot without pushing it all up the ladder to – you guessed it – An illegitimate supreme court who has shown us they’ll make shit up on the spot to get the result that their owners want.

    So people calling for Biden to ‘step down’ - are either doing it because they’re too stupid to realize the reality of things, or they are a foreign agent attempting to sow division and limit voters on the left. Follow those social chains up to who they originate from – I guarantee they originate from people who are intentionally there to sow division in an attempt to sway our elections.

    Here’s a list of the dated deadlines to be placed on the ballot in various states: https://ballotpedia.org/Deadline_to_run_for_president,_2024

    So understand first and foremost, anyone saying Biden needs to have someone replace him right now – They know this.

  • Hint – by manipulating or exploiting its code

    Which I am explaining, they…did…not…do…

    They did nothing to the code. They didn’t break the code, they didn’t cause the code to do anything it wasn’t designed to do. They did not exploit any code. They used an API endpoint that was in the open. For its intended purpose, to verify phone numbers. The api verified phone numbers, they verified phone numbers with the api. The only thing they did here…was they did verification on a lot of phone numbers.

  • Sex refers to 2 out of the 3 things you’ve mentioned there. Hormone Levels and Function, and Reproductive/Sexual anatomy.

    We can’t change chromosomes (and gene expression is essentially the same category here) - so it’s literally our closest attempt at altering sexually dimorphic characteristics. I’ve been told time and time again gender is fluid, can change on a day to day basis, is based on socially constructed roles, and the jury is still out on if it has nothing to do with sex, or has everything to do with sex. I’ve heard answers from both sides on that one.

    So it makes no sense to me why we allow it to be called Gender reassignment.

  • Exploit. The system worked as intended, just without a rate limit. A hack would be relying on a vulnerability in the software to make it not function as programmed.

    It’s the difference between finding a angle in a game world that causes your character to climb steeper than it should, vs rewriting memory locations to no-clip through everything. One causes the system to act in a way that it otherwise wouldn’t (SQL injections, etc) – the other, is using the system exactly as it was programmed.

    Downloading videos from YouTube isn’t “Hacking” YouTube. Even though it’s using the API in a way it wasn’t intended. Right-clicking a webpage and viewing the source code isn’t hacking - even if the website you’re looking at doesn’t want you looking at the source.

  • Why should trans women be excluded for being above average but other women who are above average shouldn’t be?

    Because by nature of their transition, they don’t fit in a single cleanly defined category. We should just change the definition to say: Those with XX chromosomal pairs. Because you can’t change those. Nice and simple. Anyone with double-X chromosomes, good deal. Anyone with XY - goes into the “open” category - which is by default, the ones usually with mostly men in them.