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Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • It’s the subtext that matters. It could just as easily say 45,47, or the options you said, but it pretty definitively says Trump should be president for three terms, and if Trump is elected, I guarantee he won’t step down to a democratic election when his term is up, it’ll either be:

    • He uses his presidential power to fully and without question prevent any new elections, which he can now basically do anything legally in power as America’s king
    • The vote is a sham, it’s rigged, like Putin’s and he just has landslide wins
    • He passes power to his new puppet VP or someone else that can maintain the fascist reign

  • My options are:

    1. “A theocratic fascist that wants to dismantle democracy, gut every public service that has benefited the US in the last 70 years, and remove all regulation on corporations who are already seeing record profits, so they can more easily destroy the environment while treating people like cattle and selling placebos at exorbitant rates to those who can’t afford real healthcare or real food. Oh also the whole “kill the gays, enslave the poor” and the like.”


    1. “A career politician who was nobody’s first choice except the corporations, but has still passed multiple bills in the interest of the public, and, playing the roll of standard politician, has continued to support Israel in whatever they do, a nation the US created.”

    Option 1 is just option 2 + the fall of the US and immense human suffering. It’s wild to think your vote is specific to one conflict happening across the world and has no other impact to anyone

  • Indecisiveness = not assassinating the opponent?

    America is doomed. Now both sides are calling for their chosen king to execute the other king. The experiment is over, hyper capitalism disguised as theology won. I want to vote for my chosen president in this election. This thread is telling me I should support my king executing the other king. Even if he gives up that power right after said execution, the president has made a precedent that the “checks and balances” are broken.

    My prediction is that if an execution / forceful power grab is to happen, China will immediately invade the Phillipines and Taiwan, seeing the instability of the US, possibly Japan right after, since our new king will be too busy with the civil war or dismantling the government.

    After that NATO and the EU will remove the US from any seat we have during said civil war, as we are no longer a democratic state.

    The US arms companies will move to supplying the civil war in addition to just pumping Israel full of guns, maybe Russia too since it’s profitable and what even is regulation at this point.

    By the time the US does stabilize, we’re a corporatocracy, as the only things left with real buying power are our tech companies and arms manufacturers, which at this point have their own mercenary security to defend against potential profit loss or have moved to other nations (Apple’s risk management division absolutely has these papers and plans drawn up seeing the political climate)

    Canada will absolutely close its borders, and probably will be a hotbed of attempted immigration, ironically their right wing leaning government fighting the effects of our right wing government.

    But yeah, we should yell at our king to assassinate the other potential king, instead of organizing, donating, campaigning and voting

  • In a post to his social media site, Trump claimed, “I know nothing about Project 2025,”

    Claim no knowledge until the election so you capture the vote of those idiots who think “oh he’ll just be a good old fashioned hard lined president and drain the swamp”

    Once you’re elected, use your now legal ability to assassinate anyone in your way and rebuild the government as you see fit into a new theological autocracy/corporatocracy while those same people, influenced by russian and billionaire social propaganda just shrug casually because they have a room temperature IQ