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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • “I want computers to do my laundry so I can do art. Instead computers are doing the art.”

    All of this AI stuff would be fine (or at least less bad) if we didn’t live in a capitalist dystopia where people might have their basic needs (food, shelter, etc) threatened so some rich turd can become a little richer.

  • It’s going to bother me forever that, even if we do get some sort of new deal, the people who shit up the world will never really be made to pay for it. Like, one time Facebook tried to see if they could just make people sad by changing the feed algorithm. And yet no one hanged for that mass cruelty, and no one ever will. Energy companies pollute the air and water, lie about the facts and consequences, and then are never put up against the wall and shot. It’s unfair. It’s not right. Little new deal changes to raise minimum wage or provide mandatory maternity leave are good, but they’re not enough to account for the crimes and injustice.

    The people who shit up the world should pay. In money, in time, or in blood. But if they skate free, that’s another insult and injury on top of everything else.

  • This topic is one of the things that brings up how people are emotional first, and sometimes only.

    Like, I’ll point out all the problems with golf, and all the better things we could use the space and resources for, and the pro-golf person will respond with “but i like it” as if that means a fucking damn thing.

    The fact that some people “like” golf is not enough to justify the poor use and allocation of resources.

    (Yes, I realize I’m holding onto a years old argument I had with a peer and that’s not especially healthy. But I feel like this argument comes up all the time. I’ll be like “We can’t keep building for cars-first. It’s bad for the environment, bad for the neighborhoods, bad for the economy, bad for the people in the cars” and they’ll just go “But I like my car” as if that refutes anything at all)

  • How I feel about mana depends largely on how quickly it regenerates. It can be just a reskin of spells-per-day or spells-per-encounter, or it could be something more interesting.

    DA:O had unlimited mana potions, which meant essentially you spend a small amount of time to refresh mid fight. Not very deep tactically, but more or less fine.

    I don’t think resource management is really a thing most people actually enjoy. Most people don’t like timed missions, so you probably don’t want to use that to prevent people from resting a lot. You don’t want to soft-lock players by letting them blow their resources too soon, so they can’t win the fight but don’t have a way to restore. The dark souls style “you reset at the checkpoint but so do the monsters. Keep trying until you get it right” works for me, but a lot of people hate that.

    There are so many ways you could do magic, and it’s a bummer that vancian magic takes up so much space.

    DND just isn’t as good and universal as people think it is, but it’s hugely influential anyway.

    Side note: DND is balanced around like 6 “medium” encounters per day. You’re supposed to slowly trickle down your resources. Turns out most groups do one encounter per day on average, and then the system doesn’t work very well at all. There’s lot of patches (eg: gritty realism) but the problem remains people don’t seem to want to do that kind of cadence.