Why is your hobby more important than their hobby?
Why is your hobby more important than their hobby?
Would be sick to get to vote for someone who actually had opinions and goals and stood for something. If we want to vote for just the general prevailing opinion we should just run an LLM and train it on superbowl commercials and cable news.
For an RN the average is $100k and the top top is ~$160k.
The answer is that the overall healthcare system needs to be rebuilt. The fact though is that the hospitals all know the incoming administration will be cool with corner cutting but also won’t pay out very well.
The trend already is for insurance to never pay out. Currently you have to bill for 4X the price of something just so the insurance company can write off how big of a savings things are when they pay out only 1/4th the cost which ends up hopefully being the actual cost.
So you have a hospital administration attempting to extract value from their workers, because they know that no one else will pay. Besides if a strike goes on they can just get the new administration to handwave hiring “holistic nursing” professionals who take a fake online test. They can just read out that the AI says that the problem is a combination of verbal irregularity and overall health being a bit behind.
You think MOST hospital staff make OVER 150k in the Portland area? That is an incredibly hot take.
The average salary is about 95k but that also includes the “high” earners and I put high in quotations because it still isn’t like tech sector. A medical assistant at providence starts at 48k/yr. Desk worker starts at about 30k/yr.
That means the average worker can afford $650 to $2000 a month in rent or mortgage. Even at the top end that isnt enough to get a 2 bedroom apartment if they are single with a kid. That isnt enough to even approach buying a house unless they are splitting it with someone else making more than them.
And these are the best that can be found at the salaries being offered. If they go away you will get even worse people.
My experience with healthcare workers is that they are underpaid and overworked and that after years and years of that they just stop caring.
I think this looks great. I’m not going to run a 20 foot USB cable accross my living room so wireless is pretty much a must. I think the only concern I have is if it discharges if I store it and if so what the bringup time would be.
Ukraine was the 3rd largest nuclear power in the world, and is famous for it’s history with nuclear energy.
The issue here is that them starting the enrichment process is grounds for the start of WW3, and they wouldn’t complete the effort in time to offensively defend themselves. You’d have to give them entirely complete nukes and even that would just mean it’s nuke launchin time for a number of folks.
How is different from Crazy Frog or Billy Bass? Dumb memes turning into toys or dumb meme toys have been around for forever.
Every year they relaunch classic EverQuest time locked progression. They did that long before WoW did and WoW hired their studio lead to help them improve their implementation of it.
I’m not recommending it, just saying you could still go experience it today. I’d maaaaybe recommend it over Pantheon but it is close.
It’s EverQuest. If you liked Classic/Kunark era EverQuest then you might like this game. The gameplay is very simplistic and heavily leans into you needing to manually go out and build a group of people that have the right classes. You go to an area and kill the same mobs over and over for a couple hours and hope you get something neat or a level.
It’s a 100% perfect addition to THE core combat light puzzle platformer games. It also has an age range of 0-99 by both having cute jokes and references that would appeal to older folks while never being even remotely offensive.
Also yea, what else was there? Closest was make Wukong which primarily crushed the market because it again proved that the new or smaller studios can absolutely give a better AAA experience than the big studios these days by focusing on delivering a game not a storefront
Instead of playing games, go outside, touch grass, undergo the series of organ implantations that are required to become a Space Marine. The only thing holding you back is yourself.
Same could be said for any game. The value mostly of a game is the controlled progression with little impact. If I go start power washing the driveway and then stop at a moments notice to go take a shower and head to work I’m gonna leave a giant mess laying around and a half done driveway.
I mean the issue with TikTok is that they give the data and videos over to the Chinese government to be able to mass process it and search for vulnerabilities or enable social engineering attacks on the US government.
Meanwhile Twitter/X is totally different in that they give the data and videos over the US government to be able to mass process it and search for vulnerabilities or enable social engineering attacks on US citizens.
Middle school kids he mighta done nothing wrong at all. Those kids at that age are terrors and will oust people from a friend group for the dumbest reasons imaginable.
Sucks because that person may have done everything right and years later still can’t trust people or open up to them.
I can’t find a list of the workers they impeached but it looks like he was stacking the government with New Right folks who wanted to take Korea back to 1940 when it was a part of the Japanese Empire. Seems like a wild take. The impeachments came after a major change in the parliamentary makeup shifted power away from him drastically.
I think the big difference here is that to the average user they see archive.org or Wikipedia as being a onesided transaction. An Archive where folks store information for you, an encyclopedia where information is stored by folks for you. There is no expectation of engagement of the average user. It is rare for someone to wake up and think “Man I gotta put something up on Wikipedia today or people are going to think I’m not the person I act like I am”.
People go to social events to keep up appearances. People participate on social media to keep up appearances. Maintaining these types of things require you to effectively help people balance their ability to participate in society with their ability to communicate. A Wikipedia contributor is a scholar. A community moderator is a bartender and a bouncer rolled into one. It doesn’t have the stability because the work required to keep things going is high stress for the majority of the people doing the work.
Lemmy’s solution is nice because the smaller instances can just ban whole cloth the larger ones and everyone gets to move forward. It means you never are burdened by having a ton of users, but that then also defies the goal of some of the larger social media platforms.
When it converts to the profit extraction phase the cutting edge folks will move on. Then the content will slowly become dominated by corporate auto created content. And then eventually the average person will look for the next place to go.
This is just the new cool local bar hangout at scale. This is how human socialization works. It has worked like this for hundreds of years.
The drug is great for folks who need to go from 300 to 200lbs. But 200 to 160 is whatever. People using it to stay slim is, I mean it can work but it’s a huge deal for folks who are so overweight it causes a loop. You get depressed or stressed, you eat away the pain, you get fat. Then even if you fix your life you’re still fat and now that causes the stress and depression.
The reminder is due to the fact that she never should have been the candidate in 2024 in the first place. She was not even in the top 5 in 2020. She didn’t do anything during her time as VP that made up for that gap. She was pushed in because the folks above her were two leftists, a gay man, and a rich DINO.
I don’t know that she would win California and if California goes to a Republican governor that takes away one of the handful of hail mary possible counter balances to Trump right now in a possible secession action. Right now if Trump attacked Mexico and Canada it isnt unreasonable to think some states would actively refuse to support the action but if California or New York were not both states to support it then it would be meaningless.