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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 19th, 2024


  • I think the timing isn’t quite right, because the other social media places aren’t figuratively totally on fire.

    There isn’t “the great social media collapse of 20XX” happening, because of some security issue or servers being super expensive or ads being actually 99% of the content. The forces that be are managing things well enough that things aren’t collapsing right now.

    There is no single actually big celebrity that has picked a fediverse platform as the place to be, follow and discuss news.

    And there is no killer feature that you can only get here.

    The bonfire is stacked nicely, but there is no spark. For now. That could change at any moment, but it could also take a while.

  • I don’t think the timing is quite right.

    I don’t really have anything meaningful to contribute to the feeds and most of the discussions are a bit pointless. They’re not really changing anything. So, in part those other platforms are fueled by outrage culture. Which I know is bad, so not having it is good, but then we also don’t have the growth from it.

    The technology is there and that should help. Apparently people aren’t going to mass migrate from reddit quite yet, even though the push last year probably helped a lot.

    It is a network problem. I think the slow growth will / should happen eventually, because the fediverse is an objectively good place to start a community. It’s just not going to be fast and other platforms adding push factors would help obviously. We’ll see where reddit goes with their paid subs.

    I don’t think the low effort posts are a problem, there is hardly motivation to interact with an empty page and there is slightly more if there are “boring topics”. At least it’s a place.

  • The show runner insisted on telling “their version of the story”.

    Which… let’s put it like this:

    If you’re making a TV series about a book series written by a world famous author, and you think you can do a variation / “your take” on the story, because you think you’re just that great of a writer, artist, director, etc., then you better actually be on his level.