Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I know plenty of examples like that in my circle of family and friends.

    But you know what, a lot of those people who have shitty health, eat whatever and live to be 80 are miserable, senile, weak and unhealthy people for the last ten years of their lives. They do live long lives but what sense is it to survive to 70 or 80 if you are going to be miserable and probably not be aware for the last ten years of your life?

    It’s fun to say eat whatever you want and not exercise but if you risk torturing yourself for the last few years of your life … what’s the point?

    I’d rather be as healthy as possible right up to end if I can help it. I certainly don’t want to be a helpless old man who can’t think anymore and leave my family to decide when and if I should go.

  • I’m no fan of Russia … I’m just stating my opinion because I don’t want to die in a nuclear holocaust because everyone didn’t want to see reason.

    There’s only one country in modern history that has spread global influence and threats in every part of the world, imposed, threatened, created and caused violence everywhere for decades while imposing their financial, political and economic powers on everyone everywhere for all of modern history …

    … and it isn’t the Russians.

  • It’s amazing to see how down voted a contrary opinion can be in this subject.

    It’s a little easier to understand if you reversed the situation.

    How would the US react if the Russians supported Mexico in joining a military pact against the US, so that the Russians could build military bases and install short range nuclear weapons in Mexico and point then at the US? What would the reaction be if Russian then spent billions of dollars financing the Mexicans from any kind of military aggression from the US?

    You can’t threaten someone with a gun and not expect them to eventually shoot you.

    It doesn’t matter how anyone feels about my opinion but the more we posture with violence, lies on all sides, anger and an unwillingness to step back and find sensible solutions … the closer we get to nuclear war and the end of civilization.

  • The simple quiet of a warm summer afternoon. I’m watching one right now on a deck over looking a rocky yard and a small lake nearby.

    I grew up poor and never knew it until I grew older. We had enough but never enough for luxuries. In the summer I’d have a breakfast of tea and toast and be gone all day. I would go home for a small lunch and that was all the food I had and I never cared.

    On days like today, I would just go roaming around everywhere with my friends. Like Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn we’d just be outside doing nothing and everything all day long.

    I’m in my 40s now, my bones ache, I tire easily and my friends are long gone either on their own path or gone from this life.

    I miss those days and I miss my friends.

  • To me the cause is simple to understand … a society that allows any individual to attain unlimited and unrestrained wealth and power.

    In a society where anyone is capable of attaining unlimited wealth and power, eventually you will end up with a small group of people or even just one or two individuals with all the power and control. That was the lesson that the creators of the game ‘Monopoly’ tried to teach. If you build a game where only one person can win by gaining so much wealth that they can buy everything, then everyone must lose in order for one to win.

    It’s the same scenario and cause that corrupted the Roman Empire, the Greeks, the Byzantines, the Ottomans, the Persians, the Mughals, the Islamic Caliphates, the British … they all rose with great wealth that eventually became concentrated to ever smaller groups of people until there was so much wealth at the top and none at the bottom that the system failed and it was reset again and again and again. We are just living through another cycle of wealth being concentrated to smaller groups of people again.

    The problem is not that we keep looking for a system or a government that can control people … it’s that every one of us believes that we can be capable of winning the entire game by making everyone else lose.

    Place a wealth cap on society and then we might able to see more people around the world wanting to cooperate on a few things. And when I say wealth cap, I don’t mean a few thousand or even a million dollars … I mean a wealth cap of $10 million dollars … anyone who has control to more than that is either taxed fully or not allowed to participate in business. No billionaires, no muti level millionaires. It would automatically spread wealth to so many people everywhere. It wouldn’t cause a utopia either, we’ll probably still have the same problems as before but there would be many more people with the resources, ability and finances to be able to do something about everything.

  • The thing that is upsetting about American fascism is not that it exists.

    It’s the fact that everyone is debating it like an argument about what kind of chairs you want at a wedding.

    It’s the same scenario that played out in 1930s Germany and the rise of Nazism … everyone kept arguing that it wouldn’t happen, it’s not like that, it isn’t that bad, they have good points, we can control it, we won’t let them go too far, everyone obeys the rule of law, we have morals …

    … then we all had to literally break the entire world in order to fix the problem.

  • Any change no matter if is too late or too inconvenient would be a better change for the DNC than to allow Biden at the top position. Seriously, any other DNC politician would be better than Biden even if they changed right now or in the next few months. All you need is some politician who is about 50 years old to fight Trump every day until the election and the orange menace would suffer a heart attack trying to keep up.

    This is insane … it’s almost as if the powers that be want Trump to win and the only way they can ensure that is to put him up against an 80 year old competitor because it is the only candidate he could possibly beat.