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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • There are a lot of examples recently of respected legacy companies being turned into hollow husks of their former selves (or even going out of business entirely) due to finance bros. Sears, Paramount, Toys R Us, Warner Bros, Red Lobster, Twitter, Reddit (ok maybe stretching the definition of “respected”), and now Boeing, among many, many others.

    Will it change anything among that class of people? Probably not. The spectre of Jack Welch still looms large over the business world, incentivizing short-term slash-and-burn flash over long-term productive smolder. The type of person who’s inclined toward this kind of con will still pursue it, and there are enough people of low scruples who will get the dollar signs in their eyes.

    But with any luck, it will take the luster off enough that people will stop playing along; and they’ll run out of money sooner or later.

    It’s already starting to happen. The Onion was bought back from private equity earlier this summer, and the new owners are taking a lot of steps that no PE would ever consider; essentially they’re just looking to stay afloat, not trying to cancerously pursue unchecked growth.

  • I am no expert, but I think you’re on the right track. I love the way the grass on the dune looks.

    I also think you’re right on about the weak points; shading on the water would be really helpful (right now, it looks like a flat plane; adding some shading could give it some depth), giving the wind more motion would make it much more evocative, and the trees look pretty sparse; an impression that could be helped greatly by making them look more impressionistic (the style you’re talking about is called “pointillism,” by the way).

    Also, I love the texture and color you gave the sky, but in my experience the sky by the sea tends to gave a gradient of brightness, depending on where the sun is. Same with a dune. Giving both some more shading would add a lot of atmosphere.

    Good work, and good luck!

  • The ones at the top of the ticket, sure. But the ones who are actually behind all of this—the Mitch McConnells and the other various GOP strategists—they’re pretty devious. Smart in an evil way. They got right-wing media on their side, and then they got the mainstream media to cover them as if what they were doing was normal, and only then did they start trying to make it seem like their brand of fascism was the norm and not something antithetical to American values. At which point they could run a candidate like Trump and not be completely ruining their image.

    Though it does seem like Trump was worse even than they thought; much less coordinated and completely unsophisticated.

  • Yes, because now they’re not bothering to hide it. They’re trying to normalize it. Worse still, they’re trying to paint people who don’t want their fascism as the strange ones. They’re so corrupt and rotten they aren’t even bothering with the thin veneer of respectability, and they’re succeeding in changing the character of the entire country.

    Previous GOP regimes did evil things and made Americans complicit. Now they’re actively trying to make America evil.

    They’re absolutely worse now.