7 days agoThey recently relocated to Switzerland, after the AFP visited an employee, unannounced, at their home.
They recently relocated to Switzerland, after the AFP visited an employee, unannounced, at their home.
Maybe, but if you’re burning codes in this scenario, you’ve got bigger problems to solve.
Create a secret passphrase - that only your family knows - that can be used to verbally verify it’s the real you and not a scam caller. Bonus points: create an alternate passphrase that can be used to signal that you’re under duress.
You don’t have to be an exit node to help; Have a look at setting up a Tor Snowflake proxy. I haven’t looked at Signal proxy, but I’ll check out that blog post.
You can easily re-roll usernames in Signal, and profiles in SimpleX. I couldn’t find an equivalent feature in Session.