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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • As someone who self identifies as on the spectrum ( I’m over 60, so I doubt I’m going to be tested, but I have many – but not all – typical autism traits), I would say that it’s true for me. I have never been close to people, even my own family. I’ve never had a very good friend, and when I move away from people, I typically don’t keep in touch.

    Foe example, both my parents died in the past 2 years, and while I feel a sense of loss, no strong emotions. If I lost my wife or children, I think I would continue without feeling significant trauma. I know that I’m supposed to be devastated by those kinds of losses, but it just doesn’t happen. I don’t really have strong attachments to anything or anyone.

    I don’t think I’m a bad person, it’s just the way I’m wired. I don’t like to see people suffer, and I have a strong aversion to conflict, so I don’t believe I’m a sociopath.

    So count me In as one of the people who believes that autism can be related to a lack of empathy, based on personal experience.

  • There are estimated to be between 200,000 and 400,000 significant deviations (i.e. not just spelling mistakes) in the New Testament manuscripts we now have. Scholars make educated guesses about what the correct wording is, but those are still guesses.

    You know the story of the adulteress who is going to be stoned? That was added at least 100 years after the rest of the Gospel of John was written.

    The oldest surviving manuscripts of the Book of Luke, which was the first gospel written, ends with the women running away from the empty tomb and not telling anyone. It is believed that the resurrection story was added later.

    Bart Ehrman does a very good job of explaining these issues on his YouTube channel.

  • Most that I discovered while living there. I only had two weeks notice about my job, so I didn’t even have a chance to learn any language before flying to Japan.

    There were simple pressures like being stared at all the time, because I lived in a smaller city that didn’t have many foreigners.

    Being required to submit my passport to buy travelers checks, even though it was a joint account with my Japanese wife, who didn’t have to provide hers.

    And ones that were not unique to being foreign, but were still difficult for me to deal with, like 3 hours of commuting every day on one of those packed trains you sometimes see.

    At the time, telephoning from Japan to Canada cost about $1.30 per minute, and the internet had not really arrived, so I was somewhat cut off from my family and other personal supports.

    There were also difficulties in my marriage and my work situation that certainly didn’t help.