The next 2 generations might not witness the great collapse. What a relief!
Fuck the other generations though
The general public and politicians weren’t really worried.
Have you not had your morning coffee yet? 😄 The study purports that bullies have more kids, not that people with more kids were/are bullies. It investigated the relation in one single direction, not both.
Wouldn’t surprise me. Unfortunately the study is behind a paywall.
I think being assertive and more socially active meaning you’re more likely to be a bully is a bit of a myth.
You are reversing the implication that I’m guessing 😉
My guesses are that there ate multiple factors at play:
I’d try and look for papers to see if my guesses hold any water, but time eludes me.
DOGE. You can’t be serious, dude…
What do you think it was?
Doing what republicans wanted to but never did. Make the government nonfunctional, the get private companies in at a higher price for bribes.
It’s space debris 🤷 No great mystery. It’s not done Skien artifact or something. We have so much junk out there and so many nations shooting up satellites…
Yeah, that’s why I want to get my hands on the study. Maybe the authors did consider that but the article is misrepresenting the study.