If you’re encrypting and scrambling your own personal data and not properly saving the keys, that L is on you dog.
If you’re encrypting and scrambling your own personal data and not properly saving the keys, that L is on you dog.
Always remember that in some places executive just means the dumbest person in the room and most developers won’t lift a finger if it means they get to see the owners embarrassing themselves in public.
Ms 365 just assumes that your company has a Ms azure cloud solution, exchange server or just defaults to onedrive. You have to wrestle the software into giving you a local storage folder browser when picking the place to save a new document to. It’s frustrating.
I’ve tried it. I like that they’re carrying the torch of OpenBoard, but I don’t like that swipe typing requires manually downloading a third party library.
My only gripe with the Samsung keyboard is that their only alternative distribution is Dvorak, and by now I’m 100% a colemak user even on touch screens. So I use open board with swipe typing.
UN: we think the people from Palestine are human beings…
Israel: outrageous!
UN: we think all humans deserve basic dignity and respect, and genocide is wrong guys…
Israel: Outrageous!
There’s this concept of screens with a purpose. That if you are going to use a device, you should state before hand, explicitly and out loud, what is your goal. Set an objective, do only that and drop the device as soon as the goal is achieved or postponed. It works wonders with adults too. It discourages idling with the device in the hand doing nothing. It can also include recreational use, you just set a given goal, not just a brain dead timer. Like, instead of doom scrolling for 15 minutes, it would be, catch up with friend’s social media, and only friend’s posts, for only 15 minutes. Or checking the front-page new posts, only 10 minutes, only one comment allowed. Appreciating the Batman animated collection, 3 episodes at a time. That sort of stuff, always goal oriented to avoid idle loss of time and dissociation.
When you live in Brazil, well…yes.
What you don’t remember where the armies of bot accounts it brought into Steam. People would pay for votes and get scams and money grabs greenlit while indies couldn’t even get a foot on the door. YouTube channels made series about playing the shovelware and mocking the system. There’s a reason it was done away with.
Greenlight saw one of the biggests floods of shovel ware in Steam’s history. The store hasn’t actually recovered since.
My nephew has snails. He smuggled them out of the schoolyard in his hoodie after the teachers caught him the first time and confiscated them. My sister found them and had to take them to a pet store to make sure they weren’t dangerous. Now they sit in a nice terrarium and it turns out the hardest part is keeping the humidity up.
That is the definition of a self-coup. They’re still dismantling the governmental apparatus of counter balances and accountability to ensure a permanent stay in power. Dozens of countries have suffered through similar exploits. Trump did promise that the American people won’t have to vote ever again during his campaign.
I propose we should send Musk to fetch it himself.
But I don’t want money in 5 years, I want it now!
— A 300 lbs toddler with an inherited hedge fund.
Bunch of twats forgot that Trump is just the orange version of the mortadela. Once a populist victim, always a populist victim. Just because they hate the same people you hate, doesn’t mean they love you.
I think you might be ideologically dyslexic.
A friend was a design teacher and he taught me that design uses existing symbolism and iconography. But you can’t control what people will ultimately use your design for. The babadook for example, was a monster intended to cause fear in a horror movie. However, a clerical error by Netflix and an over imaginative tumblr user, turned it into a queer icon that is now widely recognized on internet culture. Of course you can sort of imbue intent and predict use of design to some extent, but humans have an arbitrary side that makes it hard to say something would be a better icon for an abstract concept.
You can’t design a better icon. That’s not how symbolism works. The most recognizable symbol for save is the one we are using now. As designing something new, by default, it would not be recognized by anyone but the designer since use defines meaning. Until it is used it won’t be recognized by anyone.
Edit: like, think of the play icon and its meaning in media control. It was born as an indicator of the direction a reel to reel tape player was moving. It still holds that meaning for digital streaming today despite the virtual extinction of tape players. Its use defines its meaning, detached from its origin and despite the obsolescence of its reference.
You could call it the “save the planet from an inminent asteroid hit” and idiots will still find a way to justify it’s dismantling. Don’t look up was a multidimensional satire.