@abucci As a beginner I m sharing this concern which I tried to solve by unterstand bit more all the dependency involved and where there are configure (in intellij/scala this mean the jvm, the sdk). In fact I still don’t know where exactly intellij take his jvm so I used sdkmanrc file instead and configure intellij to use it.
. for the sdk I just know where to put it on intellij. please this is not a recommendation what you should do, just a answer to your -public -post. happy to share what with you
@abucci As a beginner I m sharing this concern which I tried to solve by unterstand bit more all the dependency involved and where there are configure (in intellij/scala this mean the jvm, the sdk). In fact I still don’t know where exactly intellij take his jvm so I used sdkmanrc file instead and configure intellij to use it.
. for the sdk I just know where to put it on intellij. please this is not a recommendation what you should do, just a answer to your -public -post. happy to share what with you