Did she make your metal gear… solid?
Raiden sunglasses
Did she make your metal gear… solid?
Raiden sunglasses
If? None of us are remotely close to any trolley lever. Grow up and get real. Your idealism is a garbage pile you treat as a high horse.
Fuck negotiating and debate. That’s what has allowed the rich to erode or steal everything we could have had. That’s what allows wimpy politicians to get walked all over as the bullies take over again and again.
This anecdote ignores what the broader statistics prove, though. There will always be outliers. But in general, there are groups that are not white kids that are more likely to be disenfranchised and excluded at large scale.
Interesting that such a fucked system exists that could allow the 50/50 chance that who wins an election could singlehandedly decide if everything is fascism and genocide or not, with what appears to be no real checks of power in place.
And you choose to blame those who have nearly no control over said system.
Lemmy is also a tiny community relative to other similar communities online. Lenmy is also not even just people in the US. You also don’t know how many of those posts were trolls or bots.
It sure seems to me that the larger system and set of choices are completely fucked to begin with and gives the “people” next to no options or say in much of anything.
But yes. If Lemmy people had not slammed Harris… then… something might have been… different?
I’ve been replaying it a bit on Steam Deck and it plays and looks good.
You need to realize the privilege you have to say this. There is a mass erasure of people going on.
Acknowledging the world has issues, and active removal of that acknowledgement is not just fucking “politics.” It’s about humanity. It’s about respecting people. It’s about progress.
This is being done to appease the same fat shithead nazi who is scrubbing Trans from the government. Who is stoking fear into the lives of millions because of the ACTIVE effort to suppress them and their concerns.
And this isn’t only a US issue. There’s been a clear push towards fascism worldwide for a while.
You don’t see that because you have some kind of privilege, or you just idiotically have your head in the sand.
I really shouldn’t say much, but I’m a Fed and our agency is also dealing with the blanket idiocy/hatred. It’s literally brought so much crucial work to a grinding halt just to appease various executive orders. That’s not even to mention the erasure and fear that many at work are feeling. It’s fucking inhumane and such a disservice to the public, and people won’t know WHY their government services are failing.
You have laws?
Or it’s erasure of peoples.
To be fair, it wasn’t even adopted as the national anthem until 1931in the middle of decades of nationalism, and hateful “patriotism” designed to force a very specific image of America that is NOT inclusive to others.
Today there are far too many morons who think so many of these oppressive things were instituted by the founders and therefore it should remain as is forever. The same assholes who think some past heyday was “better” than today.
It’s up there with the pledge of allegiance, in god we trust, and various statues and shit.
Fuck these people.
Some people put way too much stock in “common sense” as some blanket assumption and insult to lob at anything and everything they don’t like.
They internally define what they believe to be “common” and everything that deviates is outside of that. They use it to fuel their own sense of self satisfaction and smugness, while additionally fueling negativity and hatred for others.
It fuels their toxicity and comes to define their view of everything, which is typically grossly oversimplified for their own needs.
Hurr durr but the national debt is like a credit card and all debt is bad. China can just say pay up and we’re fucked.
And other stupid shit my parents used to say.
move fast and break things
This also appears to be his dumbass approach to the federal government.
What fresh hell is this humanity of people getting along and coming to understandings?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
There’s usually a significant increase in contractor use after various reductions in force.
Try being a Federal employee. Or trans. Or a minority. Or a veteran. Or in need of various social services. Or any combination.
For some the last 2 weeks already feels like a year. For others it’s potentially life ending.
Fuck everyone who voted for this.
Yes. Most vehicles I think estimate speed using rotations in the transmission, which assumes the original tire size. Lots of car mods, but especially tire size changes, can impact speedometer readings as well as other things like performance.
Most people modding their cars are idiots about it.
GTA 6 gon have u smugglin eggs, yo.