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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 13th, 2024


  • Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, known as KSM, is widely considered the architect of the attack, in which hijackers seized passenger planes and crashed them into the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon outside of Washington.

    He was subjected to a number of “enhanced interrogation techniques”, including “waterboarding” - simulated drowning - at least 183 times before the practice was banned by the US government.

    Yikes, but also, literally planned 9/11, but yikes.

  • When the headlines are about random maga types being quoted calling her “little whore” and n-words - it’s clear that yeah, the -isms are indeed out and about, the media is just reporting it.

    The reality cannot be denied, they aren’t deep faking the clips.

    The maga crowd dosnt counter her policies, her voting record, her career, her speech, her age, her cognitive function

    They go after what she was born with and what that crowd has been indoctrinated to hate.

    That’s where the ism’s come from.

  • The USDA told Reuters that Mexican exports from the western state of Michoacán have not been blocked. Additionally, avocados and mangos already in transit wouldn’t be affected by the suspension of inspections, which would be paused “until further notice.”

    So we’re saying “if you beat up our people, we’ll stop enforcing our policies and still do business with you”


    I’ll make a point to not buy Mexican avocados and mangos until this is fully resolved because who knows what’s happening with them if the people who are charged with ensuring their safety get beaten up.