Navigating the way into joining rooms, DMing people, etc is pretty confusing
I’ve never had issues with that or other things like Encryption when using the official Element clients. But I also don’t install Arch manually or use it at all.
Navigating the way into joining rooms, DMing people, etc is pretty confusing
I’ve never had issues with that or other things like Encryption when using the official Element clients. But I also don’t install Arch manually or use it at all.
Why would Matrix be less developed than WhatsApp?
I can have Signal, WhatsApp and Telegram in Matrix, and it works on every platform I want.
Why do they get lower tariffs?
The EU doesn’t even think that much anymore about the UK. And the UK isn’t that important anymore, and they struggle to accept that. Maybe they should focus on getting basic utilities working again for their citizens (like Water and Health) and less about telling everyone how great they are.
If you leave the bigger London Area, most parts of Eastern Europe look more prosperous and advanced
The Border Controls at the Swiss and Austrian Border go already for years, not 6 Months, hence they are already illegal
Well a question like this wouldn’t be more absurd than most ESTA-Questions?
“Do you question or support attacks on the territorial integrity of the European Union and it’s members”
I support a permanent Schengen entry ban for people like you
I think it’s surprising that it’s only 46%
Nobody cares what the Americans think about this, since they are the Aggressor in this case
Well in the US it’s available for arbitrary requisition of the US State (by it’s three letter agencies, and their secret courts), so where is the difference?
Hey you get worked up about something I’ve edited out 30 seconds after posting a second time.
But you do you
I’ve already edited it out, but yes, you automatically assuming that I live at the end of the world just because my administration isn’t totally incompetent was quite arrogant
I live in a Großstadt, but a functional one. Thanks for explaining me though how it works here
For some more time intensive tasks you also need an appointment here. But registering your residence does not, since it does make the city money and takes just a few minutes.
Also South Germany isn’t completely fucked financially
Only if you live in a dysfunctional shit part.
Here you can register your new residence walk-In. No appointment needed
Call it like you want, in the German Sphere they are explicitly not taxes. The politicians don’t decide over the sum, and also the state doesn’t charge it directly, it’s the broadcasters.
But it’s important that public broadcasting is well funded to provide a good alternative to the private shit media owned by billionaires and not having your interests in mind
Why not make everyone pay? That’s how it’s done in Austria or Germany
It’s much less bureaucracy.
Edit: And most people who claim that they never saw something from BBC on YouTube or heard it somewhere are lying. Let’s be real
No it’s not because it doesn’t show the Services where we have a deficit. The deficit isn’t then that big
Well the US forced Switzerland to lift their bank secret because of tax avoidance, while being the biggest tax oasis themselves (Delaware)
And being afraid of Swiss Military Might is complete Bullshit, just as most things in the US they explain with “National Security”. (Just as they put up an Import Duty on Swiss Watches for “National Security” Reasons under Eisenhower)
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