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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023

  • For me it isn’t “some” word it is “many, many” words.

    charcuterie (shar-KOO-terr-ee) (TIL)

    potable (POH-tah-bull)

    prerogative (preh-ROG-ah-tiv) – wait, wat? Damn. I say it (pur-OHG-ah-tiv)

    preternatural (pree-ter-NAT-chur-al)

    remuneration (reh-myoo-ner-AY-shun) – I’m not admitting how I say it lol

    surprise - let’s just say I spelled it suprise for ages. sigh

    victual (vittle) - wait, that’s how you spell it??

    Indefatigable (IN-dih-FA-tih-gə-bl) not in-dee-fa-TEEG-able

    Primer: \PRIMM-er\ – small book / short informative piece of writing. (Brits can use long-i for both the paint undercoat and the book).

    Mischievous: \MISS-chuh-vuss\ though mis-CHEE-vee-us is a non standard alternate pronunciation.

    Interlocutor: \in tuhr LOCK you tore. I had no idea how to pronounce this so I never said it.

    I think some “mispronunciations” are down to regional pronunciation. Like, I say miniature as MIN-ih-chure by habit though I’m well aware of how it’s spelled and “should” be pronounced. I swear that’s how I heard it growing up.

    Maybe it isn’t regional and it is just me. That would explain some things lol.

    And uh, yeah I have a bunch more, some I know but am forgetting at the moment. Undoubtedly I mispronounce many more while having no idea. What must people think of me? Lol

  • It’s pretty nuts what they’re asking for meat. I don’t do the major shopping in the family but last time I went to get some ground beef… holy sweet baby cheez wiz. I could swear it the price had doubled since the last time I looked (which was probably pre covid).

    There are so many great vegetarian recipes out there. Like, I mean, original things that were designed without meat in mind from the start not fake meat stuff like those vegetarian ribs I made one time. shudders

  • It could work! Although, if you’re already getting a $50,000++ SUV it’s going to take a pretty big number to make you rethink your purchase.

    Some other regulation to dissuade companies from selling bigger vehicles would help.

    Maybe do something to raise the price of gas so filling up a 20-40 gallon SUV looks a lot less affordable than an economy car. (Of course that would also fuck the economy silly but so will climate change).

    I kind of miss the small 2000-2400 lb cars of the 90s. My little 2 door Sentra SE-R got 25 mpg city and 35 mpg hwy and always fast passed the emissions dyno test.

    I was comparing the Corolla, 2000 and 2023 model years. While the new one gets slightly better mileage, it is 600 lb heavier. I’m assuming the weight is in part due to the reinforced cabin and doors and a bazillion miles of wiring for all the additional computers and electronics. I wonder what kind of mileage a 2500 lb car would get with a modern drivetrain.