what are the differences between a rare covid test and an uncommon covid test?
what are the differences between a rare covid test and an uncommon covid test?
imagine my surprise
if there’s no one reporting on how bad things are, then things won’t be as bad. that’s how we stopped covid after all
or, if you’re the unabomber, it’s called eating your cake and having it too.
that quote you gave was taken entirely out of context. here’s the very next sentence:
In presenting our findings, we argue that a comprehensive look at sexual victimization, which includes male perpetration and adds female perpetration, is consistent with feminist principles in important ways.
my experience has been seeing one of these articles/posts about every week since kamala took over. and kamala harris has been drilling this point in her campaigning. but after looking into things a bit more, i think it’s probably just because i’ve been too online and my perspective doesn’t seem to be the most common one. i think what you said is probably closer to the public opinion/perspective on this.
so i suppose the use of “reignites” is justified here.
was the question of age ever “extinguished”? how could it have been reignited?
half life could just be using phone battery rules. even if your total phone battery capacity is 80% it’s original capacity, it still lets you charge it to “100%”, its just that you’ve charged it to 100% of that 80%.
it’s a rounding error
“something im afraid of, and/or something i don’t understand”
what’s this obsession republicans have with calling people “bad guys”? JD vance said it at least 5 times during the debate, and i’ve noticed it being used more in general. aside from republicans, i’ve only seen it used in jokes
he could be holding one in his right hand for all we know
does this mean the twitter brand is up for grabs? anyone can start up a new website at twitter dot com? musk’s letting go of it completely?
that’s not really a problem if the judge simply changes their name
the whole “there are two sides to every issue” mantra that i hear so many people use in everyday life has got to be contributing to this. i think a lot of people view the “two sides thing” as a tautology, and that enables them to more easily “pick a side” on things, assuming that both sides always have some merit to them. and some people use it to avoid picking sides entirely, because if they make something seem complicated enough then they don’t have to actually say anything meaningful about it.
i would really like to see that mantra disappear altogether, or at the very least have people stop using it as an excuse for not having a well founded opinion. it does seem like people don’t let it slide very much on lemmy though, which is nice.
oooh thank you i can see it now
getting a rabies shot in the US is a pain in the ass, but it’s definitely still worth doing. (speaking from experience)
when i got the first shot, they gave me like 3-4 other shots too, but it was for a cat bite so mileage may vary on that part. i went to the ER for the first shot because you need to get it within 24 hours. at the ER, i found out that the ER was the only place i could get it (at least where i was, not sure if that is true nationwide). and i had to go back to the ER 3 times for follow up shots, each on a specific day. and each time i had to wait 3-4 hours for a 5 minute shot.
absolutely still worth doing though. the rabies numbers are crazy. 100% chance to die if you have rabies and no vaccine. 0% chance to die with the vaccine.
i also found out that there are pre-exposure and post-exposure rabies vaccines, and the pre-exposure ones only require 3 shots and can be gotten at a pharmacy, but the post-exposure ones require an ER visit. (again, this might vary from state to state)
would hate to have to buy new bibles the next time the school gets shot up
i’m still having trouble seeing the punchline. i can’t find any red circle in the picture
he’s really good at tucking his ears