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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • You know, and I know, but for the low-information voter, you’d be surprised. To many low-information voters, they think Trump occasionally exaggerates because he’s braggadocious, and they think Biden is a serial liar because he’s an establishment politician.

    It’s a false equivalence, but his lies need to be pointed out and shown to be false. It’s hard, because he Gish Gallops all over the stage, but it needs to be done. Trump needs to be shown as a blatant and malicious liar to the average person. It needs to be made clear that he thinks very little of his base’s intelligence, and that he’s taking them for a ride.

  • The infrastructure for a national strike does not exist in America. You need a lot of labor to be organized, and it just isn’t. We can barely get individual facilities to go on strike, let alone an entire country. We used to, and that’s how we pressured politicians into the New Deal, but organized labor has been dismantled since then.

    As for why we’re not more like the French, a lot of it comes down to this: They have more unionized workers, as a fraction of the working population, than we do.

    Perhaps we forget, here on our islands of leftist beliefs, but the average American is not a radical Socialist, Communist, or Anarchist. They are not tuned-in closely to politics, they are not media literate, they are not part of any active organization besides maybe a local church. They’re not going to upend their lives over something they don’t understand, without any way to plan with their coworkers.