sudo throw the ball
sudo throw the ball
I never knew Costco had a pharmacy lol. Ive never been
You’re misconstruing what I was saying. The user said two statements. “We want affordable medication” and “We dont care about our data”. I agree with the first one, not the second one. Purposefully not caring about your data is the part I have an issue with. If you have no other choice then you have no other choice. This is not what the User was implying. The user made a statement that they did not care about their data and that is why they would use GoodRx. They never said they couldn’t pay for medication without it. Other countries dont have to sell your data to make medication cheap.
I’m sorry you have been brainwashed not to care about your data. I will not be sending thoughts and prayers when you are targeted by a group of people who want you dead and bought your data to make it a reality.
The same thing that would get cellular providers to sell location data to all cell phones unconsentually. Money
If a non government funded organization gives you something without asking for money they are 100% of the time selling you as the product to someone else. Hell even if you give them money they’ll still make you the product (See the recent ford patent for the always listening car that plays tailored ads.)
GoodRx sells your data to the highest bidder btw (That bidder possibly being a MAGAt hate crime organization.)
Amazon: Screwing humanity over for profits from A-Z!
just Gonna leave this here since you mentioned it…
You can still take steps to undermine the system while your forced participation is taking place. You could try local farmers markets, used goods, and the always fruitful five finger discount.
Thats fair. I use Fedora myself but Wine should be a lot easier than you remember lol. For me its been as simple as adding the repo and installing, then most of my Windows programs were plug and play :P I dont run any adobe or MS office but the alternatives are pretty good once you get acclimated to them
Call it whatever you want, I don’t feel spreading a negative narrative to someone who wants to leave an abusive ecosystem on the internet should be something that should be defended though.
If only. I’d like to wake up.
First Walz L Ive seen. SAD!
Feel free to DM if you want 1 on 1 support. Ive been making the switch for almost 4 years now.
I love you so much
Thanks for the links!! Looking into them now :D
Kick off your Sunday loose