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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 12th, 2023


  • I’m like mixed on this whole shuck Biden thing. I don’t care for Biden, tho I think his administration has had some victories the DNC has been dogshit at bragging about, but if his mental faculties have been this poor and they’re still getting shit done, then it doesn’t really matter who’s president as long as they beat Trump.

    That said, the media has been all too giddy about the idea of dumping Biden, and part of me wonders if that’s self motivated as they noticed that fear of the onset of fascism drove up the numbers of people watching and reading the news during the Trump Admin, thus allowing them to sell more ads. They’re too horny for it. I dun like it.

    Edit: they’re like too excited to post about Biden being old vs Trump being a lying fascist piece of shit who is not qualified to be president. At least there’s far more articles about the former. I get it when people focus on that, because I trust people to take the latter as a given and be worried about the former because of it. But these aren’t people, they’re profit seeking bastards

  • Most of the people I hear who are bothered by Biden’s chances aren’t talking about Trump’s policies, age or lack of cognitive ability not because they support Trump, quite the opposite. They are scared of a second Trump presidency and are scared that the DNC will drop the ball again, fumble the election by sticking with a poorly liked candidate and they’ll have to suffer the consequences of America veering headfirst towards fascism. There’s no point to mentioning Trump’s similar or more dire issues, because he was never an option to them to begin with.

    I don’t have faith that the DNC actually cares about the looming threat of fascism, the threat to civil liberties, etc, I think they saw how much in donations they got during the last Trump presidency and the surge in popularity even their most milquetoast center left candidates got and they think they can ride the wave for 4 years.

    Bidens admin has done a lot of good and the DNC has been dogshit at demonstrating that with effective messaging. He’s also done a lot of things I find abhorrent and in a just world, neither candidate should be eligible as they’d be locked away in The Hague. But that isn’t the case, this is America, and I think the powers that be are willing to risk the election to save face.