Even with body cams The Police still can’t tell the truth. I’m sure this will be abused.
Even with body cams The Police still can’t tell the truth. I’m sure this will be abused.
The only traitors to this country are you subservient clowns who never stand for anything, continue to want people throw away their morals to retain comfort. I don’t give af about your approval. You lapdogs will continue to get dog walked by the GOP and you’ll support similar policy or throw any group under the bus for victory. Harris made her choices and it is her fault if she loses. I’ll do as she said on Trans health and follow the law. Get those people you called fascists a few months ago to walk you to the finish and line and clap it up like seals for the border wall you called bad a few years ago.
There more choices on the ballot than two. Sorry not Americans are heartless dogs who jump when Dems tell them to do so. Harris closer to Policy than to Trump than any of the other choices on the Ballot. People also live in Red States you goober.
His base couldn’t care less. He was on audio talking about dating his own daughter when she was young.
Ask Dick Cheney to tell Harris to changer her Border Policy and stop genocide and I’ll vote for her next time. :) I don’t care you subservient peon. I’m not standing with Dick Cheney or Liberals anymore. You don’t hate Republicans enough. You’re literally fine with right-wing policy if a (D) is doing it.
Lina Khan got these corpos shook.
If she didn’t her Votes wouldn’t go to Harris lol. If people don’t want to Vote Dem they aren’t going vote Dem. Harris has had all the time in the world to put effort into courting voters the same way she did Republicans. I plan on voting Third Party only for future elections. I want nothing to do with people who excuse genocide and link up with Dick Cheney.
I always need a mix of user reviews and professional ones because Cyberpunk at launch there was a ton of capping for good it was lol.
Harris you might want to crank out a fresh attack ad. While you got the time. Now he cares about racism suddenly lol?
He is correct. It is mostly people cashing out on stuff that isn’t there.
The thing about tons of right-wingers, they usually only care about the economy and Trump’s plan is objectively worse on every aspect.
Challenge Trump to a foot race for President since his supporters going around burning ballot boxes.
I don’t support Republicans that includes the chatgpt lady running as one. People told her what the deal was either change course or lose. She decided to embrace Dick Cheney and pledge her undying support for the country doing the Genocide. I still think people should vote and take what route they think will work. The whole Harris pitch has shifted to maybe she will change her mind down the road isn’t much better.
It feels like Phones really don’t have anywhere else to go in terms of meaningful upgrades outside of speed.
Elon is the most corny scumbag on the planet. The rules change when your wealthy.
Landlords and being evil are an undefeated combo.
This is pretty cool. I’ll check it out.
Trump cultists: “He isn’t racist.”
I’m still struggling to see what point he was trying to make.
Can we return to transparent cases for Consoles and Tech next? I’ve always thought a touchscreen in cars were pretty scary since you have to take your eyes off the road.