Our News Team @ 11 with host Snot Flickerman

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023


  • This is the question that everyone saying Biden should drop out can’t seem to answer.

    I don’t like our choices here either, but I’m not so foolish as to think having the party choose another candidate for us is gonna save us.

    This is the party that consistently won’t listen to its own voter base and keeps putting up unpalatable centrists like Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris.

    People think the party that keeps snatching defeat from the jaws of victory will somehow make a good choice this late in the game? As if.

    Also, who is really going to be happy with the party choosing for us anyway? The best they could give would to be allow delegates to choose a new candidate at the convention but delegates are not regular voters, they are party apparatchiks. They will only choose another bland centrist corporate-friendly Democrat, like always. It’s a big club and we ain’t in it etc. There is no progressive lightning rod that will excite ALL Democrat voters waiting in the wings. There just isn’t and we need to stop pretending there is.

    Biden is who we have, and we can accept it, even if we don’t like it or we can accept that this is our last real “free” election ever.

  • It’s not even a new idea. It’s just the same weathered and worn “a minority couldn’t possibly have the proper education to do this job,” from uneducated idiots who… *checks notes… definitely don’t have the education to do the same job and spend all their time trying to reduce access to education to minorities.

    It’s still the slaveowners attitude of purposefully keeping them uneducated and then judging them for their… lack of education. It’s what stupid selfish controlling people have done to others for centuries, kick them down, and then berate them for having been kicked down. They don’t like smart people who can talk back to them so they try to make sure they are the smartest person in the room by purposefully keeping everyone else dumb.

    When everyone in a political party is vying to be the smartest person in the room by controlling information and making everyone else dumber, you end up with a joke shitshow like the US Republican party, which stands for nothing other than bullying and willful ignorance.

  • The only people duking it out at the convention will be delegates. The party clearly thinks that they know better than the voters and they’re not gonna stop now.

    Like the entire Democratic party keeps fucking up every chance they get because they’re so self assured and won’t listen to criticism. This has been the story of the last 25 fucking years.

    Do you really expect me to believe they’ll turn around now and make a good choice? I don’t. Just like Hillary and Biden were bad choices, they’re just gonna choose another fucking bad choice.

    I’m not fretting about it, I think it’s fucking stupid to leave the choice with the same idiots who fucked it up to begin with. They’re not gonna suddenly let the voters decide. They’re gonna let already determined party delegates decide. The same fucking “superdelegate” insiders who chose Hillary Fuckwit Clinton, the only person who was audacious enough to be able to lose to Donald Trump (and to this day walks around blaming everyone but herself). The same fuckwits who hid Biden’s clearly serious age issues, just somehow hoping it would work out. You expect those people to suddenly field a non-fucktarded-candidate?

  • And considering the DNC locked Sanders out of winning primaries twice in a row, how are all the disenfranchised Democrat voters supposed to feel about…

    The party choosing to ignore Biden’s advanced age and not letting the cat out of the bag until well after we could have run some primaries and let the voters decide.

    We’re left with two options with a month and a half to the convention. Let the party apparatchiks choose the candidate, or let the delegates choose the candidate, both of which are inherently anti-democratic choices.

    The DNC made these choices on purpose and are leaving voters without an actual choice on purpose. It is literally the party’s choices that have lead us to this moment, but somehow the party making another bad choice will fix things? I seriously doubt that.

    Who, when chosen by the DNC for us, (not BY us) do you think will actually excite voters?

  • Get back to me when we switch candidates and still lose.

    You really think when the party goes into back rooms and smokes cigars to choose the candidate that the Democratic voters are just going to fall in line and vote for them?

    What if the choice the party chooses is Hillary Rodham Clinton?

    Tell me, what candidate do the Democrats even have that would electrify their voter base.

    I’m a Democrat and all I’ve got to say is “Fuck Newsom” and “I’d vote for Whitmer to stop Trump but that’s about it.”

    The very idea that the party choosing the candidate after years of people being angry about the party fucking over Bernie Sanders on purpose will be somehow a popular pick is a big fucking joke. They argued in court that it was legal for them to choose their own candidate. Lots of people remember that and will be pissed off that the party is choosing for them again.

    We’re well past the primaries. We have a month and a half until the convention. The two choices are the party picks the candidate, or they let the delegates choose at the convention. Both will be guaranteed shitshows, since none of the actual voters will get a choice in this matter.

    Maybe you could run with this argument if the DNC hadn’t purposefully locked Bernie Sanders out as a candidate twice in a row. People remember, people won’t be happy about the bullshit choice of Biden being replace with another bullshit choice. We’re not gonna magic up some primaries in a month and a half.

    The party literally chose to ignore this issue until after the primaries so voters wouldn’t have a choice. Fuck them for that.

    They chose to deny that Biden was too old, and they purposefully waited until after the primaries to admit it to deny voters an actual choice because they think the party knows better. Evidence of the last 20 years is the party doesn’t know shit.

    …but I guess if we just ignore the actual logistics and the recent past of the party itself, we can just play pretend that it will totally work out. /s

  • Even changing the nominee is risky at this point. There’s never been a party that has won when changing the nominee at the “last minute.”

    That’s what’s scary here, replacing him could even be more disastrous than standing behind him. Both are bad choices. We’ve been fucked into a bad choice by a party that doesn’t give a shit about its own voters.

    If only literally anybody in the party apparatus had listened to reason in four fucking years instead of being like “We can cart his corpse out until he croaks like we did with Dianne Feinstein.”

  • Snot Flickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zonetoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlWhat generation are you?
    3 days ago

    I think you’re focusing on what really amounts to a bad nickname for the generation that obviously is Generation Y. (Gen X, Millennials, Gen Z, I wonder what letter was left out??)

    Secondly, a millennium is a thousand years. Are you saying the previous thousand years (1000-1999) don’t count as a millennium that millennials… existed in?

    Thirdly, it’s the change from one new millennium to another that people were excited about, no one gives a shit about the before or after. It’s simply excitement about the changeover. In 2024, no one gives a shit that we’re living in the “new millennium.” The song goes “let’s party like it’s 1999” not “let’s party like its 2001” or “let’s party like it’s 1981.”

    Finally, last I checked, humans tend to celebrate things before they come to pass, kind of like how walking for graduation comes before finals. We celebrate New Years Eve all night leading up to the New Year. New Years is over when the new year has actually begun. Nobody celebrates on January 1st.

    So literally no one born in the new millennium gives a shit about it being a new millennium. Only people born before it cared or would care.

  • I like this interpretation but last I checked the vegans aren’t going to vote for a despot who will kill all non-vegans, and that they don’t view the death of all non-vegans as a positive thing. (Most vegans I know are keenly aware they can only participate in veganism because of modern agricultural, distribution, and economic systems. They know veganism is an elitist choice that a lot of the world cannot make.)

    I think that’s the major difference here.