I got a little rust program to replace all my discord messages with quotes from the uncyclopedia.
I got a little rust program to replace all my discord messages with quotes from the uncyclopedia.
You have been noticed, and found wanting.
I chose this dude’s spawnpoint
Your statement already terminated from a NullPointer error when you said “CAST”. Better luck next time, gancho.
Rust has certain backwards compability, always.
Too bad it keeps getting blocked by reddit
They are wrong. The correct answer is Rust. Have a great day.
Removed by mod
A good charity would be able to get the most out of your money. At least you know the chances of your $20 turning into drugs, alcohol, or gambling is minimal that way. Making money takes time and effort, and you owe it to yourself to see it spent wisely.
Then my morning dump is also art.
Minecraft, circa 2015. It was a religion.
Is this the stuff responsible for organ donation receivers picking up traits of the donor?
And my axe!
All roads are gonna be blocked by defunct cars. If we’re more than 5-10 years into the post-apocalypse, the roads are gonna be a series of craters. Still, a mountain bike will beat a horse in terms of utility. I wonder how the two compare in terms of repair-ability.
Horses can’t be beat in the post-apocalypse for speed, but for most other things you probably want a donkey or mule. Far sturdier, easier to handle, can eat anything, and has no regard for wolves.
chaos, debris, plumber. I hate the english language.
Talking to animals.