I mean if they give me a winter power armor and gauss rifle maybe it’s worth a shot
It’s nazi o clock somewhere
Found Ralph!
Sex sells
Like watchmen
Infiltrating? Wasnt thiel one of trumps early backers
Oh I thought this was about how to make a chair not wobble anymore
One of the grocery stores near me is picky like this, I guess it has a camera so it guesses what you put on there and if you pick something else by searching for it then it gets upset
Just what people commonly understand so people say it. I always read it in a disapproving Russian accent because of too much TV, the americans
Just mine your own phosphor at home
Meteor worshipping cult you say’s_Gate_(religious_group)
Because they will eat you?
Yeah I think it’s more of if you build it they will come perhaps. I remember this big photo I really liked of a nikon film camera where the artist took macro pictures of each single piece and then combined it into a huge high resolution collage
According to their reddit post it’s photographs but not sure if they are all photographs or some photos and some are cgi since the artist has so much stuff like the birds so maybe just a specific collection is photos
Yeah but it’s so tricky to find and actually buy some of the ones I’m interested in. Looks like some are on one site and some on another but not all his pieces are available. And they’re own site doesnt explain what you’re buying if it’s just a digital download or a print.
I just tried the scorpion tobasco at a local pizza place and it’s my new favorite, it’s like a nice slow burn perfect for pizza
I originally wanted one to do or see oscilloscope music
Yeah that’s another reason that I haven’t taken it apart yet because we get a guy once a year come to our lab that calibrated oscilloscopes for us and said this one is super easy to fix and he has parts for them if I ever reach out to him
You can’t miss your computer if you die guns blazing or drive off a cliff