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Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • Machinist@lemmy.worldtopolitics @lemmy.worldA Different Way of Being a Man
    3 days ago

    Ehh. There is a particular sickness among white men. It’s a failure of masculinity. It’s also a failure by the Left.

    Men are screeched at about toxic masculinity, especially young men. Many societal ills are blamed on white men, (hell, I blame them, rightfully so).

    The Right welcomes them with open arms, tells them it’s a liberal conspiracy. It fills their heads with empty hate and silly alpha/beta crap.

    The Left says not much in the way of what positive masculinity should look like.

    Men experience heightened levels of anger, aggression, mature later, poor impulse control. This is a natural part of having a male hormonal system. Without a good support system and role models, this can lead to ugly places for young men. When it’s young white men, the Right scoops them up.

    The men that look like me, talk like me, have interests like me almost always have abhorrent political beliefs and are full of conspiracy theories. I’m a redneck and often hate my own people. It’s like the self hating Jews or black folks you hear about.

    Positive white masculinity is absolutely in crisis in America. I don’t know what the answer is, but it is absolutely a problem that affects all genders, orientations, and minorities. It’s a problem because white men hold so much power and will continue to have that power for a long time.

    The Right has won the hearts and minds of many white men. The Left needs to pull its head out of its ass and figure out a strategy to win back at least some of these men. It needs to help young white men grow into manhood in a positive way.

  • I’ve got a bunch of horror stories that take some detail to explain, but I remember a couple moments of shock in particular.

    Was actually a Methodist service, Easter Sunday. it was when they cut a baby lamb’s throat and it bled. It was great special effects with a real lamb but children started crying.

    Also, the time we all went to see Passion of the Christ, 9:00 or 10:00pm showing. There was a mother smacking the shit out of her toddler for crying when the torture started. I’m a different person now and would put a stop to something like that now.

  • I was married for 13 years to a BPD witch. It was abusive, one time I spit my own blood in her face (proud of that). She liked to pick fights and hit me. Other than restraining her from hitting me and catching punches, I only got physical twice. Once with a coat hanger and once when I slapped her while I was holding a baby. Finally lost my religion and got out.

    After some time, I started dating again. Using OkCupid when it was still good. Made two piles. One night stands and prospects.

    All the crazy ones went into one night stands. It was fun.

    Prospects were primarily sorted by intelligence, communication, kinkiness, career, having failed relationships and kids. First date was a lot like a job interview.

    I hunted down the white buffalo. We just bought a play farm. She’s nasty in bed, makes great money, is an amazing cook, sweet as pie, smart as a whip, has a fat bottom and is easy on my eyes. She’s all around a better person than me.

    Second time around I married up. I do my best to measure myself against making her happy.

    We compare ourselves to mules. We’re both pulling, if one mule stumbles, the other pulls harder until we can both pull again.

    We’ve had tense discussions. Never yelled except during danger and never in anger. It’s so easy it’s scary. Trust and love that are still growing.

  • Northern and central Alabama myself. Tater experience from central AL.

    I’ve heard of people having great results with container tomatoes by taking the drip line of the AC unit and piping it into the tomatoes roots. Keeps the roots very cool.

    Taters have a long season, plant just after frost is done. Blackberry Winter is no longer a constant due to climate change.

    To try and do taters in containers, I would build my conainers from cinder blocks and fill the blocks with dirt or other insulation. 4’ wide at a minimum and however long you want/have space/can afford. This would be for one row. Paint the blocks white. Bury a soaker hose down the center. Put the hose on a timer and adjust for high temps. You’ll have to fight fungal infection due to the higher moisture so it would be delicate. I would treat with antifungal at intervals through the hose. Taters need more sand than you would think in the soil, especially if you have clay soil.

  • Mostly copied from above response.

    Grew up working on a tater farm. Sweet taters and Irish taters.

    We’re in process of moving further north and my girl is excited to try container gardening again.

    I prefer heirloom seed or hardware start plants grown traditionally.

    It’s been a long time since I’ve grown much of anything other than cacti, native ornamentals, and fungi. It’s a kind of work I swore off for a long time.

    Just bought a play farm, will probably grow some tomatoes. Have apple trees, blueberries, and a small vineyard I need to learn.

    Have always heard good things about Brandywine tomatoes.

    Won’t be this year, but we’ll be trying some varieties.

    Roma, we called Romies, were my favorite as a kid. Canned tomato soup and sauce always smelled amazing and the stuff in stores doesn’t compare.

    Best judge of a tomato is to slice it up, add too much salt, and eat it with a fork.

  • Machinist@lemmy.worldtopolitics @lemmy.worldBiden Drops Out of Race
    2 months ago

    I haven’t tried it. Seems like a gimmick.

    I’m not a big fan of container gardening. From the deep south, container gardening is for places where the sun won’t dry and burn the roots.

    Grew up working on a tater farm. Sweet taters and Irish taters.

    We’re in process of moving further north and my girl is excited to try container gardening again.

    A plant takes in a certain amount of energy and turns part of that into fruit or root storage. You can’t really get anything for free.

    I prefer heirloom seed or hardware start plants grown traditionally.

    It’s been a long time since I’ve grown much of anything other than cacti, native ornamentals, and fungi. It’s a kind of work I swore off for a long time.

    Just bought a play farm, will probably grow some tomatoes. Have apple trees, blueberries, and a small vineyard I need to learn.

  • Yup, I’ll vote for any garden vegetable except for cucumbers and their squash and watermelon relatives. Will make an exception for pickles, they’re one of the good ones.

    Don’t know much about carrot varieties other than Queen Anne’s lace is a wild carrot. Know more about taters and tomatoes.

    Figure any real carrot would do. I’d totally vote for a beefsteak or better boy tomato over a carrot, however.

  • Machinist@lemmy.worldtopolitics @lemmy.worldBiden Drops Out of Race
    2 months ago

    Before I left home this morning, I pointed to the bottle of mustard on the table and told my girl that I would vote for the mustard. We were talking about the rumors of Biden dropping out.

    At least the mustard is honest about its color. So are carrots, for that matter. I’d totally vote for a carrot.

  • Willful ignorance is the greatest sin. I’ve been saying that for a while now, not that I believe in sin.

    COVID was a real eye opener for me. Seeing how far people would go to remain ignorant.

    Stupid can’t be helped and there is nothing wrong with it. Ignorance is different and not necessarily bad, if you see that you’re ignorant about something, you can choose to educate yourself.

    However, willful ignorance is a different thing. I believe that most of society’s ills are rooted in willful ignorance and its exploitation by the evil.