• 1 Post
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2024


  • … But no… First, we shouldn’t over generalize or stereotype. Although I’m sure some private schools are shit, most are better than shit public schools because they make a lot of money and can afford to higher teachers that aren’t inept… Occurrences like this are much less likely to happen in a private school. Nothing even close to that kinda shit happened in my private school. The kids I graduated with went to college and got a job. I also had many public school friends, and many of them didn’t go to college after high school. The ones that did go to college were much less prepared than their private school counterparts.

    I realize this is only my own personal experience, but there it is.

  • Right off starts with BS.

    She set a tone at the very start when she walked right into his space to shake his hand and made him almost pull back into himself in response. She was in charge and never stopped being in charge.

    Lol, that’s not things work! What a stupid narrative… Trump knew exactly what he was doing by walking straight to his podium. He didn’t even meet her halfway. He made her have to come over to him. That! is the power move. Making her have to come to him. THAT is what shows dominance. Harris displays no dominance and is going to appear weak to other world leaders, which will make America look weak.

    She was never in charge. And she reaked of subservience.