I didn’t think the US has much interest in stopping the cartels, the war on drugs is much too profitable and the cartels provide most of the drugs.
I am.
I didn’t think the US has much interest in stopping the cartels, the war on drugs is much too profitable and the cartels provide most of the drugs.
Maybe one is Catholic?
Also put a pin on your SIM card so they can’t clone it.
“Some days are just like that”
Check eBay for the non OLED version, you could find one at a good discount especially if you buy a 64 GB
Oh boy you’re in for a battle. We’ve had squash bugs now for the second year and they are aggressive and once they’ve produced a few generations they are near impossible to get rid of. We’ve gotten to the point where we’re not going to plant any squash for a couple years because they overwinter in the soil.
Your best bet is to get the eggs off the leaves before they hatch. I like to use a piece of duct tape to pull the eggs off. If you get to it early you can stop an infestation. But if you have eggs on nearly every leaf then it’s too late. Even with heavy pesticides the cycle is hard to break. If the eggs hatch you can still kill the nymphs pretty easily with natural things like diatomaceous earth or Castile soap spray, but once the nymphs molt and turn to adult they cannot be killed without something like sevin pesticide (which will also kill beneficial bugs.)
Good luck.
I’m convinced TST is doing more for our rights than any other organization out there.
They said that cause it’s John Cena…
No more IRS? Looks like I’m not going to allow any federal tax to be withheld from my paycheck.