What I really, really, really hate is the time registration tyranny where you have to do estimates, have meetings about estimates, remember to turn on and off timers, fiddle with timesheets when you forget about the timers, answer questions like “how will this change that everyone agrees needs to be done affect the estimates?” and defend why a task that was estimated to six hours took eight to complete.
Same. The time tracking is one of those things the more you spend time doing the more you realize it’s a waste of time.
I have ADHD, I have trouble making a realistic estimate on how long it takes to cook pasta and you expect me to be able to accurately predict how long it takes to compete a 3000+ hour project with a ton of external dependencies, arcane legacy code and agile constantly evolving requirements?
That’s one big reason I hate how individualized software development. It’s crazy that it’s all YOUR job to handle all that. There is no team, no collective, just single nodes in a collection of nodes. It’s really a shame.
BIG AGREE on that one