The actual gigachad move: Leave your phone at home and go touch grass.
The actual gigachad move: Leave your phone at home and go touch grass.
Median house price could be a starting point
As a Brit its hard to tell sometimes when posts are just Americans complaining or if they really are being screwed over. We don’t really grow corn like America does, for bulk cheap veg I guess we have potatoes. Spent £0.68/KG on them when I walked to Aldi the other day. Our minimum wage is £11.44/hour and rising to £12.21 in April.
Typically how close is the TDP of the CPU to the full system power draw? Can see a few refurbished on ebay that don’t look too bad
DuckDuckGo: Use us because Google is so evil they were banned in Europe
Is it fair to compare new to used though? Also how about power consumption, if it’s on for 5 years each watt costs £13, so for something that will be on a long time power is actually quite an important consideration
Can you get those as cheaply though? Can understand getting something other than a pi as you don’t need the GPIO but are there any good alternatives that are cheaper? If not may as well go for the pi
Ill stick with slow cooking it until its almost falling apart
Cap how much is covered so that anything the price of a normal house for someone to live in is covered, but you pay the luxury tax.
Got some bad news if you think you are going to avoid death on this run…
Just accept that if your house burns down you now live in a tent on the same property. Until the local government evict you from your land for living on it in an unauthorized structure.
Or how ever your government does it there anyway, they don’t like it when people live cheaply and come up with bullshit excuses to justify it.
Why should it be an app? I would prefer a website, it works on everything then as everything has a web browser. We don’t need to harvest user data here so what would the app provide? Plus it restricts users that are not on apple/android
Been tempted to get a steam deck at some point, just not sure how much I would use it and if it would justify the cost, having all my games already makes it infinitely more appealing than the switch though.
So we need to encourage locally hosted AI lovebots?
Allow parents to implement DNS logging/blocking? I did this inadvertently where I used to live in a shared house at one point. Set the DNS settings of the routers DHCP to point to my pihole.
Then a few months later I realised when I looked at the logs when trying to diagnose an issue that I had logs of everyones DNS history. I needed a shower after glancing at that. Trivial to bypass if you know how to of course, but logging it instead of blocking it means you are less likely to realise at first while a block is obvious and you can go on to bypass it.
Looking at the price I can hardly blame people for turning to alternative sources. Based on the wage there it would be like a bottle costing £150 or so here.
If people selling it on the black market are going to keep poisoning people it would be safer to make it yourself.
Still remember playing WoW on under 5Mbps, updating was painful but otherwise playing was fine
What counts as a modern game? Been playing CDDA lately which is still in active development, does that mean it’s modern? Certainly isn’t AAA though. Been thinking of opening a pull request soon, had some small ideas the game could do with.
Yep, but the second best time would be now.
I think most normal people are quite happy to ignore the opinions of anyone that denies the holocaust.
Although I wonder how many people realise the scale of it? 6 million Jews gets repeated a lot more than all the other victims. Ask the average person in the street how many died and how many would say it was 6 million in total and forget the rest? The other victims shouldn’t be forgotten about.