I like how in their slippery pizza cheese example, google’s ai referenced a really old Reddit comment about how adding glue to the cheese will make it less slippery. Lol
I like how in their slippery pizza cheese example, google’s ai referenced a really old Reddit comment about how adding glue to the cheese will make it less slippery. Lol
I had no idea there was such a thing. I wonder if I can make a portable platform with the holes to use on my kitchen table when I need to hold things still. Currently, if I need something held, I put it on a cutting mat and tape the ever-loving snot out of it. Not really ideal lol
How is the new mirror going?
Finally. A rock-solid excuse for why the software I write has so many bugs in it!
Also! Given the amount of time I spend at my job dealing with buggy software (as the only nerdy computer person in the place) you are also helping to keep others employed!
…wow. Suddenly I feel really old 😫
Based on my own experience, this is how most cities handle their PD/FD funding, unfortunately. The fire department is just not important… until it is.
The article doesn’t really say very much. They mention that the users are from many different countries, and their subject of choice is how to sexually assault women in their households. No mention of ID’ing those involved outside of saying that Telegram generally doesn’t cooperate when asked to give info on their users.
So it’s kind of a long story! To try and shorten it: I didn’t wear jeans much as a kid/teen because I have problems with my stomach and the button waist hurt my stomach. So I always had stretch pants on, and they weren’t a great look for me. I was already bullied a lot and the pants didn’t help any. Then I entered the working world and had to wear dressy clothes. I honestly didn’t really care though. 27 years of dressy clothes, and my boss retired and her replacement did not give a flying fig what I wore. Over the years, my stomach issues had gotten worse but I actually found buttoned pants more comfortable now. I went hog wild and bought all the jeans. All kinds of cute shoes to go with the jeans. I was fashionable! Yay! Aaaand then a year ago we got a new Big Boss who decided to require uniforms. He gave us a year to get used to the idea before we had to start following the new rules. Today was actually my last jeans at work day; Thursday it’s on to uniforms. I don’t actually mind the uniforms, but I am seriously mourning my cute clothes because outside of work I’m basically a shut-in and will almost never wear them again.
The way the guy talked, he seemed to imply he knew about a lot of other people involved in that movement. Perhaps the FBI was just really making sure all of their i’s were dotted and t’s were crossed so nothing goes wrong with bringing him in and getting him to divulge a lot of information. Or… the guy has already blown off half of a hand making his explosives. Maybe the FBI was waiting in the hopes he’d blow the rest of himself to kingdom come and they wouldn’t have to deal with him lol.
I don’t know him from a hole in the wall, but I wish they’d normalize jeans for office work. These are no longer the days when denim was only worn by physical laborers and looked shoddy. Jeans can look just as nice or just as awful as any other piece of clothing now.
Same here. Freshman English around 1990. We were not prepared lol
Filial responsibility laws. There are some ways to get around them, but it requires having good parents that care about your future and a good elder law attorney.
Even ignoring the fact that he’s a billionaire and that’s what got him where he is, Musk’s personality seems to be such that he is innately annoying as fuck. He’ll always have yes-men around him because of his money, but I do wonder just how long everyone else in his current political circle are going to tolerate him. I’m hoping he’ll be his own annoying downfall.
The power of it probably does something for them as well.
Are you a woman? Not asking for any accusatory reasons or anything, I’m just curious about why you’d say that - if you’re a girl with lots of friends with nude photos, a guy who’s received a lot of photos, just a guy assuming, etc. Again, not asking to attack, even if you’re just assuming. I don’t have any nudes on mine, and I’ve had talks about this with a few friends and they were all “helllll NO” to the idea as well.
Edit: Though I do have some wicked sexy pictures of my bare legs. They are covered with horrible lumps called erythema nodosum, though, so probably no one would be looking for that lol
When I was a teen driver in the 90s, my rule was seatbelts or get the fuck out. If they fought me on it, I described to them in excruciating detail what my aunt looked like after a semi hit her car and she wasn’t wearing a seatbelt. She was unrecognizable as a human being… and she lived. Imagine looking like that while still alive. Put on your fucking seatbelt.
Lots of bears where I am. If you hit them head on, your car is usually totaled.