
  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Yeah the MAGAs are a lost cause.

    2020 was not a test run. It was a run. They failed, barely.

    Even then, they had the 1776 Plan, a precursor to Project 2025, which called for violently seized in control of the state department and Supreme Court, in addition to the Capitol building. January 6th was an intentional, violent coup attempt that barely failed. And it failed for stupid things like, that one cop that led the mob away from the chamber, Mike Pence refusing to get into the car with secret service agents loyal to Trump, Andy Capitol Police refusal to remove the metal detectors from the mall. The 1776 Plan called for and had on hand multiple caches of weapons stashed in hotel rooms around the mall. Trump screamed at the secret service to the crowd to let the crowd bring their guns on that day.

    It would have been interesting to see if the vote was not certified on January 6th. Whether the joint Chiefs letter from a few days later would have been sent. If you recall, The joint Chiefs letter made clear that on the constitutional end of term, Joe Biden would be the new president and Trump would be leaving the White House, one way or another.

    Project 2025 is it attempt to make sure the sort of things that thwarted the coup attempt on January 6th cannot happen again. For example, Trump intends to fire anyone in the secret service or national security apparatus that is not a drooling Trump loyalist. Maybe next time the vice president’s secret service will force him into the car. Maybe the next time the president won’t have to tell Capitol Police not to take the metal detectors out of the mall because some stoogy will have already made sure they weren’t there.

    I mean the kind of dumbass fucking conspiracy theories that conservatives believe about Walmart being part of a federal government plan to round people up, and here you have it written out on paper that they plan to gut the public health apparatus to literally let millions of people die from diseases, because if we are all sick and dying, we will be much easier to subjugate.

    We need to be better at getting the word out, but that costs money. The far right has unlimited money.

  • I am always skeptical when I hear leftists echoing the same talking points as far right hacks. These are folks I would expect to be in unison on this point. They are ideologues. That’s fine, that’s their job.

    Ideologically, the points are well taken. I too wish for a more progressive president. I’m not excited about Biden, either. I can live through four more years of Biden if that’s what’s to come.

    Beating Trump is most important.

    I’m of the firm belief that Biden can do that (he’s already done it once), and that he is the best situated to do it. That’s based on the conventional wisdom. Yes, it’s the same conventional wisdom that lost the election for Hillary in 2016, but also won it for Biden in 2020. Biden’s campaign apparatus is in place and switched on. He’s on the ballot. He’s got the backing. To try and change that now seems insurmountable.

  • Yes. There are 450 mi of tunnels according to Hamas in an area only 25 mi. wide.

    It’s the most advanced tunnel warfare system in the world. It has been under construction in various forms and stages since the '50s. It was built with money from Iran, North Korea, Qatar, and other beacons of human and civil rights. It is hopelessly intertwined with Gaza’s water and electrical systems. It’s the crowning achievement of gaza’s current government.

    It represents all of gaza’s lost hope. Gaza would be deep in food right now if maybe they spent money on highways instead of tunnels. If maybe they spent money on ports instead of tunnels, had used their international relations for trade and diplomacy, instead of terror financing and tunneling.

    But also due probability, I simply trust the IDF explanation about a million more times than I trust the explanation of anyone who supports Hamas’s ideology. It’s not only an ideology of violent radicalism, it is also an ideology of a lying and propaganda. According to them, nobody is a terrorist And no buildings are connected to tunnels, every building is a hospital or mosque or home for orphans, and every person is an innocent child.

    I’m very sure that Israel has some liars in charge right now. I simply trust the liars from the democracy more than the liars from the fascist religious ethno State, the sole function of which is to proliferate anti-jewish terrorism.

    I don’t know that this particular building had a tunnel under it. Neither does anyone else here.