the greens here are almost intoxicating.
the greens here are almost intoxicating.
Extremely gross that they’re putting this much effort into protecting only the rich, But completely unsurprising. I don’t understand why SO MANY Americans are just completely accepting of this obvious favoritism.
The real action is offline. Maybe it’s time to go there.
A lot of people, myself included, REALLY need to pay attention to that line. I think there is real value in online discourse, honestly, but it should come after helping people in a visible and noticeable way. People notice who offers a helping hand and who has nothing to say but scolding remarks, and that cuts both left and right.
so nobody feels ‘trapped’ in an unfun game.
I think this is an understated problem. It’s simply awful to be in a slowly losing multiplayer game that you feel you have no control over, and when you also simultaneously feel that you aren’t playing with people you care about. It’s pretty easy to start not caring about monitoring your behavior. After all, who cares if everyone in this lobby thinks you’re annoying or awful to deal with, you will never see them again, and if you do they won’t recognize you, so act out your frustration without fear of real consequences. I also don’t think bans for “bad behavior” actually address the reason people behave this way, it just encourages them to hide it in more subtle ways that automated scripts can’t detect, or that give them some plausible deniability.
Time to find out if they’ve learned the right lessons. I won’t be holding my breath.
This isn’t going to stop, just have to hope enough consumers have the wherewithal to say no to this sort of thing.
I hope we can do a little more at some point, but at least it’s something. I hope it doesn’t get treated as “enough”.
Genuinely? I’ve reported multiple thefts over the years, never had any of it returned. Had to get a bike that was stolen from me (with my full name engraved) back by literally stealing it back from the person I knew stole it in the first place.