You’re telling me a country that could give a flying fuck about international patent law copied and replicated something? Say it ain’t so.
You’re telling me a country that could give a flying fuck about international patent law copied and replicated something? Say it ain’t so.
Reminds me a lot of after 9/11 when they tried to change French Fries to Freedom fries. That stuck about as well as water on teflon.
China copying western tech is nothing new. That’s literally how the elbowed their way up to the top as a world power. They copied everyones homework where they could and said, whatcha going to do about it?
Yeah I’ve seen people commenting that he was just trying to wave from his heart but the awkward cut of his suit’s armpits made his hand go up like that. You can’t make this ish up. It’s ludicrous.
Except for the liberal bubbles in Houston and Dallas, I’m pretty sure most Texans are pretty gung-ho in favor of this and will be giving border patrol agents free lunches. No ICE, DHS, or Border Patrol agents will be getting arrest by the southern states
This exactly. It is COMPLETELY unconstitutional in the very definition of the word.
Don’t let your dreams be dreams, come on down to Amsterdam
The gif also cuts off before he does it a second time facing the crowd behind him. Once could maybe be called an accident, but twice? 100% intentional
Them leopards be eatin some faces
This is a solid take, but the other side of the issue is the question of how long will it take the brainwashed Russian population to realize the economy has passed a point of no return? Outside of major cities much of Russia lives in 3rd world poverty. Will they even notice if the ruble falls to zero?
Ghost town and nothing but scams and business spam at this point. It’s a shame that FB marketplace killed it, because it was relatively simple and useful for what it did