Wow. Shocker. Capitalism isn’t so easily reformable toward sustainability. I don’t understand why more democrats, like the ones who have been up until now relying on the sentiment of large financial institutions and corporations to finish the job of addressing climate change, don’t get their head in the game and realize how eco-unfriendly so much of capitalism is, and, depending on one’s definition of capitalism, how eco-unfriendly all of capitalism may be. I think some of them have developed a greater love for their white picket fence-esque life as marketed to them in real time than for understanding the impact of scientific information about climate change on the life of the planet including their own per an authentic scientific understanding - because the latter starts to look more socialist by almost every definition of socialism.
I live in a sober living apartment building. They sometimes get donation boxes from different places and you can ask the security guard to let you back to where they keep them and pick out whatever you need. I think I influenced them and got them into some good habits with that by bringing back to the wellness center on the bottom floor what I didn’t use one month and explaining my reasoning that someone else might need it, because then later they told me to do that when I took a box a different month as if they had come up with the idea. Felt like I made a difference, even though they pretended like it was totally their ingenious social worker idea. Anyway, now it basically constitutes a food pantry anyone here can access with the security guard’s permission. They give you resources in the wellness center that point you to local food banks and sometimes offer to drive people there. Others have their own cars and can drive each other.