beans killed my father in a shootout on the range, ill never touch a bean in my life toast or no
But they can’t have it both ways.
Per famous case law, finders v keepers.
wild logic.
I’ve heard some of them self identify as typhoons
Those “exclusive neighbourhoods” basically just means “has fence and security system”. If you didn’t care about getting caught - basically spree killer style martyrdom- there isn’t much to stop you.
aint no way you will go on any kind of spree in any sort of rich gated community, not alone, the cops will be there at the first hint of a problem for the upper class.
You definitely don’t have to be a rich asshole to own a sailboat and it is weird that this perception persists. My first sailboat was a 1983 30-footer that I got for $18,000 about 10 years ago. My slightly newer 36-footer was $45,000
my brother you are out here with a 45000 pleasure craft that does literally nothing beneficial and think its nothing, i think you may in fact be a rich asshole.
gonna need a lot of work and other items to actually sail, fire suppression, satnav, depth sounder, licensing etc. its still a rich asshole boat but not a super rich asshole boat.
-Nationally Recognized Activist, Whoreticulture.
in the 90s you attacked whatever was around cause you were a piece of shit, now you got the internet so pieces of shit worldwide can band together and hate a specific cause.