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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: April 28th, 2024

  • My husband has specifically asked me not to talk to him about politics. He has verbalized he feels powerless and wants to focus on things he can control more within his immediate realm (dont worry guys, he’s still voting Biden). He’s also asked me to decrease the amount of depressing topics I share with him overall. I did tell him I recommend him read up on it because its “scary AF” and that I was quite scared

    However, I do agree with other posters that its the lack of news coverage on the topic is why so many people are uninformed. We need more individuals to share and educate about this.

  • I have a credit union and unfortunately a Chase account now. I had to open a banking account with First Republic to refinance my student loans from 6.7% to 2.75%. They were the only ones that took on high student loans (lot of medical professionals) and required a constant $20k in the bank.

    Once my loans are done in a few months though, I am moving everything back to m y credit union and closing Chase.

    To speak to some others like my in laws, husband, and my own parents, likely plus a few friends:

    1. They believe that banks offer more services and even more security than a local credit union (ironically my FIL is board member of a credit union but banks with a bank)
    2. Like that there tends to be brick and mortar locations nationwide
    3. Dont know any better (this is most people I believe, unfortunately financial literacy in US is low. Lemmy is not representative of general pop)

  • Hi! Apologies. Other people were naming other potential candidates without further justification so I didn’t think I need to.

    Pete is young, intelligent and very reasonable. Back when he was running in 2020 and when I was doing my own research I found that our political views aligned the most. He is young and white so he has that going for him if looking for general appeal lol

    I currently have Newsom as governor and while he did a great job with the pandemic and healthcare policy in general (I was on calls with his team and many other hospital systems), I hate how he protects corporate donors like PGE. Overall though he signs many good bills into law. I’m just concerned he can be bought and he’s more of a corporate ally than he gives off.

    With the media coverage I didn’t state whether or not it would be successful. I’m not even sure if we should change at this point because there’s a lot that goes into that transition (voters need time to know candidates, campaign ads and efforts likely planned out until November, etc). All I said is they can likely pick anyone and there would be significant media coverage. DNC nominates X! Then many articles around who is X! Again, I’m voting any way to defeat Trump.