Fuck off
Fuck off
If my family weren’t my family, they wouldn’t talk to me…
Much better now? Yes, of course.
But getting here was tough, especially the first few transition years. They were bad enough to crush people’s high hopes about freedom.
Corruption however is still rampant, the education and healthcare systems are in decline and I doubt I’ll ever get to see any of the money the government is taking out of my salary for when I retire…
I grew up in the post revolution years and lemme tell you, it was pretty fucking shitty.
No, it wasn’t as bad, but the first few transition years were close enough to crush people’s optimism and high hopes of the future.
What was to come after the 89 revolution.
When do we start testing people’s lead levels before letting them vote?
Non-american here so wondering, can literally anyone in the US walk into a voting booth and cast a vote? If so… Why would you allow that? And why would you not want to prevent it?
Have you tried death metal? 😅