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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 16th, 2024

  • Cry all you want big boy, the science is on the side of us non-brainwashed, rational people who understand the need for actual gun regulation in a civilised country.

    Too bad the US hardly qualifies to that group any more. Third world level literacy rates, so many homeless that human shit is an actual issue in supposedly civilised cities, and firearms as the leading cause of death for children.


    There’s a literal mountai in the of evidence showing that all you need to do to start facing this problem is reasonable nation-wide gun regulation. Something everyone knows works and something that you won’t find science against, because gun regulation being the answer is as clear to most people as is the fact that the Earth is round, not Flat.

    But you will find Flat Earther crazies who won’t believe in the science even when their own science proves that they are indeed wrong.

    You’re emotional. You get so angry when you’re reminded that you go against science because you don’t have the balls to actually use your own brain.


    And you having “shot guns” doesn’t make you an expert on guns

    Oh yeah no, it doesn’t bear any rationale to this argument. It’s just there because gun nuts always default to the “you’re just afraid of my pew-pew sticks, that’s why you support gun regulation”. Nah. I love guns, they’re fun. But you know what I care more about than loud bangs? That children don’t have to live in fear of some incel fucktards charging into their school with a pimped out AR15 with a bumpstock.

    There’s literally not a single peer reviewed study that concludes that less gun control is better, for anything.

    But I’m sure the lack of science won’t stop you, just like it doesn’t stop Flat Earthers.

    You’re really just here to prove my point about the willfull ignorance of nuts like you. So… thanks, I guess?

  • Any gun nut feel like arguing for insanity that are US gun laws?

    All you need to do is ignore science and reality and every other country outsider of the US and be convinced that undiagnosed schizophrenics being able to buy a shedload of semi-automatic weapons is necessary for democracy.

    All I need to do is remind you that there’s not a single piece of study that supports any of the arguments of the gun nutters.

    (Also, just because it seems to matter to these nuts, I started shooting at 12 and have handled everything from old officer’s pistols to shotguns to modern assault rifles, machine guns, grenades, mines, and even AA guns. Shooting is fun, yeah, but having fun isn’t more important than making sure children don’t have to live under the constant threat of their fellow pupils pulling out a semi-auto with a bump-stock.)

  • Being an incel is a choice

    It’s short for “involuntarily celibate”, though.

    Although I guess identifying with those words is the choice you’re talking about

    aren’t mentally ill. The most generous descriptors I could give them is that they’re either misguided, brainwashed, or both.

    I’d argue that their brains are at a state of did-order, be that due to someone having pushed propaganda on them or not.

    Some people are less capable of being critical of their own thoughts. For example, young children are very impressionable. Lots of people grow out of it. Lots of people don’t.

    If I harassed you with say, targeted ads and some videos I made on YouTube, it could definitely make you stressed out, thus me having affected your mental health.

    Now being a racist because you grew up in a small racist/sexist/homophobic town or something might not be the exact same thing, but the point I’m trying to make is that their wrong choices — like “choosing” (I use quotations because it’s not exactly a conscious choice people make, although displaying those attitudes definitely is) to be racist or transphobic or whichever kind of bigot — are a symptom of the disorder they’re having.

    That disorder usually being amathia, willfull ignorance.

  • Dasus@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldTime to move
    10 days ago

    Unless you’re a spy who ran from Russia (and basically not even then, as we have supo), why would that matter?

    Unlike the US, Finland has and continues to successfully avoid Russia meddling in it’s affairs.

    We got labour protection, social security and have among other things, fixed homelessness.

    Yes, there’s a lot of issues as well, but compared to other countries, I’d say the average person is fairly well off in Finland in terms of financial security. Mental health is a whole other matter, though.

  • Dasus@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldTime to move
    10 days ago

    I’ll let anyone buy a Finnish residency. Just pay me a to-be-agreed-upon sum and then we’ll get married and it should be quite a done deal. Perhaps need to keep addresses the same on paper for a few years but that’s it.

    Hit me with them offers.

  • Only to be CEO of a massive capitalist company.

    I’ve heard a few tales of some CEO’s (of very small companies) here in the Nordics actually being generous to their employees. Like it’s most definitely a rarity, but I believe it is possible.

    Like a CEO who values profits but values employees and paying their fair share more and isn’t blinded by greed and addicted to money. A socialist, literally. A market socialist, but a socialist nonetheless.

    Everyone could have their basic needs met, and we could still have rich people. Just not filthy rich, not “rich-to-the-point-no-one-else-has-anything” rich.