• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • Once again, we see what the debate between Harris and Trump illustrated very clearly: The GOP in its current state is not pursuing any program whatsoever, but merely builds up imaginary enemy stereotypes that they blame for all their problems - without any even halfway factual reasons. Democratic processes are impossible with this tedious kindergarten approach because they are based on factual arguments, cooperation and the willingness to find common ground. I sincerely hope that there are some rational thinking conservatives left who will refuse to vote for this hateful orange moron and his ridiculous henchmen.

  • That’s right, it’s certainly not a good idea to leave the head of department out of the loop - this position should definitely be informed about every relevant process. I just think that it’s in everyone’s interest if senior management can be seen by the “common people” from time to time. It shows appreciation for the work and opinions of all employees and is also a good opportunity to make sure that no important aspects or overly technical details may have been lost on the way from the head of department to the executive floor. Just as you say.

  • Yes, Dali would have been great as the emperor.

    But Jodorowsky’s unfinished Dune project still had a significant influence on several major science fiction films and media, despite never being completed:

    1. Alien (1979)
    • Dan O’Bannon, who worked on Jodorowsky’s Dune, later wrote the Alien script
    • H.R. Giger’s designs for Dune inspired his work on the Xenomorph
    • The Alien Xenomorph’s design has roots in Giger’s Harkonnen Castle concept for Dune
    1. Star Wars (1977)
    • George Lucas was reportedly influenced by the Dune storyboards and designs
    • Jabba the Hutt’s appearance may have been inspired by Baron Harkonnen’s design
    1. Blade Runner (1982)
    • Ridley Scott hired Dan O’Bannon and Moebius, who had worked on Jodorowsky’s Dune, to help create the futuristic world
    1. Contact (1997)
    • The opening space sequence was allegedly inspired by Jodorowsky’s planned opening for Dune
    1. The Incal (1980s graphic novel series)
    • Jodorowsky and artist Moebius recycled many concepts from their Dune work into this influential comic series

    Check out the documentary “Jodorowsky’s Dune” (2013). It explores how the pre-production work and assembled team for this unrealized film went on to influence much of modern science fiction cinema. It’s worth a watch.

  • According to your one-sided view of the world, you would probably also have accomplished the feat of portraying someone like Yitzchack Rabin as a terrorist because he wanted to make peace. Your militaristic thinking with its underlying fascist ideology is inhumane. Your obtuse attempt to portray even the slightest criticism of the actions of the state of Israel as anti-Semitism is ridiculous - more than that, it is itself anti-Semitic because it inherently claims that all Jews were unscrupulous warmongers who would agree with the actions of the Israeli government, which is of course utter nonsense.