They released a photo of the team.
They released a photo of the team.
Oh, so now you’re saying mail is DEI, I can’t even with you people.
I’d be upset if I felt like they were even a little bit effective.
To be fair, she really was exceptional, and had found her true calling.
It’s from Homestar Runner originally and unfortunately the Nazis picked the
correctevil pronunciation
Of course they did, they are evil.
Had to look it up, name of the program was On Trak Health. Can’t vouch for this ai stuff they are advertising now but like I said first care coach saved me and second one was meh. The second one was probably fine but I had been spoiled.
You mean Americans would have never known about their private data? How sinister.
Actually sounds like unspeakably good stewardship which is unheard of these days.
All that with data they stole from the American people.
The power of doggy compels you
No doubt, what, are we going to elect a Democrat and elon will just willingly answer to that guy? Yeah fucking right.
Looks like you need a psychologist to put out the fire then go to the therapist to tame any random flare ups.
I went for years of therapy and they would take the dropper and miss me completely. I don’t know what the fuck I did but this angel dropped out of heaven claiming to be part of my benefits and started checking in on me every week to help orginize my healthcare needs. She got me in therapy, then got me to a psychologist. The psychologist was able to treat me within a few sessions and everything got easier.
I honestly could never get the therapist part to work, I don’t really need someone to give me advise. I need someone to make me feel sane and stand me back up. I haven’t found that yet.
As for the angel, she found a new job, passed me off, and the new guy wasn’t as concerned with me.
I don’t know, really it was the work of that random benefits person that saved me. It’s so overwhelming to have suicidal idealation and constant anxiety/panic attacks and then have to deal with a broken healthcare system. What ever that fuckkng service was I cannot praise it enough.
To me, it’s ok, because the people behind it pronounce it dōj and I always pronounced it doggy. So now we know the evil pronunciation is dōj.
You’ll never know how important representation is until you have no one who represents you.
Edit: the empty down votes here are depressing.
It’s just like the anti work stuff, being against antifa, etc. They are openly signaling their intention and the fact they won’t just say they are fascists is childish.
Please, infamous hacker 4chan, come get your boy.
Don’t worry though, if they have a falling out with the in group they were always bad and this has zero weight on your past present or future judgement.
It’s not like these people are open to reasoned debate. The only answer is there is something broken inside and fuck if I know what.
I’m failing to see where it refutes my argument.
Well, fucking stop him or something. It’s been 8 years, I think we showed we can hold the fuck out. Show you can dominate the media narrative, maybe.