Did you hear how much was spent on the Iraq war? Maybe the 2008 debt crises? Maybe the PPP loan forgiveness? Surely you’ve heard of one that dwarfed those in comparison. Obvious troll is obvious
Did you hear how much was spent on the Iraq war? Maybe the 2008 debt crises? Maybe the PPP loan forgiveness? Surely you’ve heard of one that dwarfed those in comparison. Obvious troll is obvious
Your comment, while accurate and true, adds nothing to the discussion at hand. These sort of comments are useless which should be left in the realm of Reddit. Do better, try harder
“Sky is blue” “water is wet” were first recognized by Russian propagandists to disarm outrage. As In, essentially telling people “You’re stupid if you didn’t already know this.” For people out of the loop, it works.
Informing people of this technique is bad for some reason
Edit: Even when attempting to politely Inform someone they are using propaganda techniques you get pedantic hate from people who claim to be progressives.
You’re right , Its almost as if college should be free, along with healthcare and many others. Perhaps the rich should pay for it similar to other first world countries.