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Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • Geuninely I am concerned the Biden campaign limited the time for the interview to hide any gaffes. Its already emerged he’s had multiple “episodes” over the last 6 months, and today its been revealed he’s seen a Parkinson’s expert neurologist 8 times in the past year. Yet the biden campaign have aggressively and condescendingly dismissed all concerns over Biden over the same period.

    Also in my country, the UK, political interviews are often substantial - 1 hour is not uncommon (often edited down) and even during our election we had full full unedited 30 min live interviews for each of the main party leaders.

    Maybe 22mins is just because American TV is so dysfunctional? But given how the biden campaign have been so dismissive of concerns and then the debate has revealed them in a cold hard light, then yes I’m suspicious. There is little trust left after what we saw in the debates. The white house has been telling bare faced lies when directly asked about Bidens health on multiple occasions.

    Biden has been a good president, but he is not a good candidate for this election. This issue is so damaging that he’s behind Trump in the polls despite trump being a convicted felon. And worse, no one is holding Trump to account because biden is a distraction. Trump said a lot of crazy things in the debate but all people remember is Biden’s performance.

  • Most people in all countries are extremely ignorant and disinterested about politics. Do not expect more of American voters than you’d expect of your own country’s voters.

    A great example of that is Brexit in my own country. People voted for lots of ridiculous reasons both for and against, and in the end we got a crazy close but negative outcome. Just under 52% voted in favour of brexit, but I guarantee much less than half that number truly understood the issues and knew what they were voting for. It was a vote that should never have happened - it was all an arrogant ploy by David Cameron to increase control over his own party and instead it has torn the whole country apart.

    People complain about the news media but its just a product of the lazy and disinterested electorate. Mass media doesn’t cater to fact and debate, it caters to shock value to try and get people watching.

    That’s why biden has to go - most people don’t care that trump is a lunatic or biden has had successes. Not enough will care about Project 25 even though it will damage many of trumps own voters. All they care about is that biden looks old and sounds like he’s dementing because that’s all that’s cutting through.

  • The reality is the democrats can’t reform the supreme court, because they don’t control the House of Representatives, and barely control the Senate.

    To enact reform of that type they would need solid majorities in both chambers and control of the presidency. That remains very unlikely. Even simple ideas like expanding the court rather than meaningful reform is impossible as no nominees would get through congress.

    It makes sense the democrats make their campaign focused on Donald Trump. And as bad as the supreme court is at the moment, the democrats have bigger issues to deal with - a lacklustre campaign with a poor candidate. It’ll be hard enough trying to convince people Biden is a good choice as a candidate, let alone move into complex areas like judicial reform.

  • Interesting headline - its disconnected from the content of the article. Most of it is about how broken the US electoral system is.

    The important point is that an electoral and political system that was designed to protect from the “tyranny of the majority” has instead created a system perpetuating the tyranny of the minority.

    Americans are indoctrinated to think theirs in the greatest country on earth from a very young age. But the political system is an absolute mess - the electoral college, the senate (which is totally skewed in favour of small states), the supreme court and politicised legal system, and the embedded 2 party system.

    Trump isn’t a threat to democracy. Democracy in the US has been dead for a long while now. It vaguely worked when there was a post war consensus but now it’s completely log jammed. And nobody has a plan to fix it because they can’t.

  • I disagree - Outlook is a walled garden of closed standards, and it makes users vulnerable to the whims of Microsoft or dependent entirely on their office ecosystem.

    The recent outlook hack with senior accounts hacked and only being informed by Microsoft of the hack 1 year later is a good example.

    Outlook is superficially good but essentially big businesses and organisations are locked in to a proprietary system for email and calendars and entirely reliant on Microsoft to keep their data secure.

    I’m actually surprised Antitrust laws aren’t used to break up the Office 365 monopoly. Only the teams integration is being challenged but the tight integration between Outlook, Office and OneDrive is monopolistic. Other services could integrate in the same way if Microsoft was forced to open up its APIs, which would be good for competition and customers.

    At the moment you pretty much have to go all in with Office or forgo major integration benefits if you want to use different cloud or mail services. Why do you need 1 single provider for office software, mail and cloud storage?

  • Well they said themselves why there is not a focus on desktop apps: web apps work well. I use proton calendar for my personal calendar. For work I use outlook. For both I access via phone apps or web browser on my desktop.

    The big problem with calendar desktop apps is not the apps, it’s how they sync and share. You have either ICS or caldav.

    The biggest problem is Microsoft Office. It partially supports ICS and is a nightmare to work with Exchange calendars. Most Microsoft clients (84% apparently) are hosted in Microsoft cloud services, and Microsoft is removing EWS support in 2026 (which Thunderbird is working to support). Microsoft’s own Graph api for cloud access is limited preventing some basic desktop features.

    So existing calendar software is fine if you use good services that support standards. Its bad if you’re locked into the proprietary Microsoft ecosystem. Mac calendar tools will hit the same problems in 2026 when EWS support is dropped.

    There is basically no incentive to work on these tools with Exchange because its a deliberately walled garden. But Thunderbird and other desktop calendar apps are decent, they just don’t support Outlook/Exchange.

    Its on businesses to challenge why Microsoft keeps their data walled within a proprietary system. Security may be an argument but that’s a little flimsy when you see how very senior outlook accounts have been accessed by hackers and Microsoft has been keeping it quiet. Theyve only started contacting people now to tell them their emails maybhave been accessed after a major hack last year. And were talking CEO level account access.

  • And there is the problem laid bare - there are too many people associated with the campaign who have a vested interest in it continuing, and are unable or unwilling to step back and listen.

    Its been blindingly obvious for the last 18 months that Biden is a very bad choice for the democratic nomination. But the entire discourse has been dominated by an attitude that if you don’t support biden, you’re basically support trump.

    It is the Biden supporters who are going to hand the presidency on a silver platter to Trump.

    They need to step back and look at the bigger picture. This is not just some Republican talking point to reflexively ignore and fight against. Biden IS too old, and he DOES come across as confused. And he is making trump look better by comparison - he is lowering the bar of expectation and scrutiny of trump because the focus is on Bidens age and mental capacity.

    The democrats have to ditch biden right now and begin the urgebt search for a better, younger candidate to unite behind. Its already very late in the day but every day they continue with Biden is another wasted.