It’s more or less the fact that Trump isn’t going to do any better down there, so for this particular issue, whomever you vote for, you get the same result. Why not look at the bigger picture then?
It’s more or less the fact that Trump isn’t going to do any better down there, so for this particular issue, whomever you vote for, you get the same result. Why not look at the bigger picture then?
Having just read it, it comes down to a CO2 tax on animals in general and not just cows and pigs.
“En CO2-afgift på udledninger fra husdyr. Der indføres en afgift på 300 kroner per ton CO2 i 2030 stigende til 750 kroner per ton CO2 i 2035 med et bundfradrag på 60 procent. Den effektive afgift vil dermed udgøre 120 kroner per ton i 2030 stigende til 300 kroner per ton i 2035.”
Posted the actual Danish text in case someone wants to translate into their own native languages in case of specifics. I’m surprised the agricultural workers agreed to this.
For part two, we don’t breed bison and elk in Denmark. Pigs and Cows are pretty much the only animals we breed that we also eat. We have sheeps too, but not in the same proportion.
I agree with all except the “Check out of national politics” part. You cant decide who is President anymore, but you should still keep an eye on what national laws they may pass or should be prevented from passing