Dizzy Devil Ducky

I am Zach, AKA AceFuzzLord, AKA Dizzy Devil Ducky!

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • So far I am lucky enough to have not had any classes that have had the issue of a professor not being able to get their projector or computer to work.

    Closest I had was the Linux VMs we were using for a Linux fundamentals class were having troubles because someone gave them too much resources by accident (I think it was memory but I don’t fully remember), causing them to sometimes just stop working because there wasn’t enough for every VM. Somehow persisted pretty much the whole quarter before being figured out.

  • I’d like to think it was a combination of all the online shopping sites for all your non-groceries that started killing them off.

    Why go to a mall to buy that hat you always wanted when it’s not only available online on the website of wherever you are planning to go but could be cheaper? That, or just buy it on Am*zon.

    That, and I firmly believe people in various first world countries have gotten lazy enough that they’ll gladly wait the however long it takes for something to arrive by mail, but spending the time to have to drive somewhere and walk from the parking lot to wherever in the mall the store they want is? Haell Nah! Combine that with inflation (meaning higher gas prices) and you have people not going to malls unless they have to.

    It’s why surviving US malls usually have something to keep them alive to attract people anymore, I swear. Some sort of gimmick like that one well known mall with the amusement park in it or how the mall near where I live has an aquarium in it (never been, so I don’t know how effective it is at attracting people). I don’t think the restaurants you’ll find in malls are even enough to attract enough people keep malls afloat, either, but I could be dead wrong about that one.

  • Totally depends on timeline and if we’re also including TLoK as well. Anytime before the wars began, gotta agree with someone else who said fire nation. During the war? Probably still in the fire nation since you don’t really see them getting attacked in their nation much. The fascist kinda lifestyle wouldn’t be too cool, but would rather not live in constant fear of being attacked over accidentally saying something wrong. Especially since I’m fairly positive there’s no way I’d be a bender.

    If we’re talking TLoK included, don’t remember which natition it’s in, but the metal city where they literally open it up like a blooming flower seems like a cool place to live.

  • Pretty sure a lot of people could relate, but watching a variety of various game players who years later you lose interest in (mostly because of how cringe they are) or in my case at some point somehow find out some terrible news about them despite avoiding all the real world drama.

    People like Bijuu Mike, Gloom, Logdotzip, etcetera.

    Can’t find another example I wanted to use since I couldn’t remember the account name nor does it matter since I’m pretty sure it was found out he was a horrible person.

    Also it’s pretty interesting to see some people you’re following on yt who you don’t remember why you subbed to because there are definitely both active and dead channels I’m currently subbed to that I forgot even existed.

  • The way I see AI being implemented into Firefox, regardless of whether it’s gonna be opt-in or out in the future is that they need to keep up with the latest browser trends in the future. If they don’t, they will definitely lose more of whatever probably small amount of remaining normies who don’t use edge or chrome but instead opt for Firefox. They’re not tech literate enough to see a conveniently placed ad telling them that xyz browser now uses AI security features and Firefox doesn’t and discern the fact that it’s a ploy to get them to switch. We need more normies if we really want a chance to keep Firefox more than just treadingn water, and the best way is to offer more random bullshit of the week to keep them from switching to a competitor.