Dusty old bones, full of green dust.

  • 19 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2024

  • I see it as a “I don’t see color” kind of thing. You may be able to see it as “just” a class war, but people who may be a different race, or disabled, etc., can’t do that because those factors can change how you’re treated. Saying we should ignore it or rebrand it as a class war is disregarding the reprocussions that race plays in the class war. What communities get funding? What communities have good schools? What communities have food deserts? Who gets promoted to leadership?

    Before these things came to be, America was very much class-war only in my opinion, which is why boomer white Americans did so well. They were all seen as the same community, so raising them up was raising them all up. So they had Veterans benefits and programs after the war to help them get housing and education. Unions protected their members. But those programs didn’t always extend to POC, if at all. That’s why we have to keep an eye on it. It’s not just class that affects people, and not talking about it allows the majority to pretend it isn’t happening, or is a minor issue. I think it also facilities the silencing of minorities as their issues seem “fringe” or like complaints.

    The system was not built for a lot of people, and we have to keep reminding people of that. Because what’s going on in the US is showing that. They’re worried about anti-Christians and immigrants, transgenders, etc. Even if those people are also poor, that won’t save them if we just see class. A middle class, transgender woman who may have been a “good guy” is now an enemy be cause of their gender identity alone. A black man being followed in a store is not being followed for class reasons. People with disabilities having trouble just existing are not having that trouble (solely) because of class.

    Getting rid of DEI/CRT makes the loudest voice everyone’s voice. And that person is usually not looking out for us.

  • “Over the past 16 months, the Biden-Harris administration’s full, unobstructed support for Israel’s campaign of genocide and ethnic cleansing has failed to remove the Palestinians of Gaza from their land,” Hudhayfah Ahmad, a spokesperson for the Muslim-American led Abandon Harris campaign, said in a statement to Newsweek.

    “It is not Trump—just as it was not Biden or Harris—who decides what the Palestinians can or cannot do; that decision belongs solely to the people of Palestine.”

    What? If it’s not Trump, nor Biden, nor Harris who decides, why was only Harris punished for it?

  • Japan’s #MeToo movement has been “building up slowly”, says Miura Mari of Sophia University in Tokyo. In 2017 Ito Shiori, a freelance journalist, accused a reporter and the biographer of then-prime minister Abe Shinzo, of rape. Her criminal case was dismissed, but she won damages in a civil lawsuit. “Black Box Diaries”, her film chronicling the episode, became the first Japanese documentary to be nominated for an Oscar last month (though there is no release date for it in Japan). Her case proved controversial and sparked nationwide conversations. According to surveys, only 5-10% of people report assaults to the police in Japan, compared with 23% in America. Demonstrations also started in 2019 after four rape acquittals were handed down by the courts in quick succession.

    Surprised it took them so long to be honest. Women have been treated terribly in Japan for ages, even more so as the population decreased (because that’s women’s fault I guess).

    I like that the crisis is “a bunch of powerful people that run the country/media are rapists. I mean, we knew that part, but now we have to do something. Who will host our TV shows!?”

  • The “pager attack” killed 42 people, including two children and two healthcare workers, while wounding another 2,800 people. The attacks targeted public areas, including cars, streets, and supermarkets, and many of the wounded suffered eye, hand, and brain injuries. Many survivors needed surgery, and some victims went blind or had to have their limbs amputated. One of the attacks killed an 11-year-old boy and an 8-year-old girl, along with a nurse. At a funeral for some victims, another electronic device attack was carried out by Israel, wounding more people. It’s unknown how many Hezbollah operatives the attack actually killed.

    “That was a great operation,” Trump reportedly told Netanyahu, after being given the morbid gift.

    I can not believe this man was voted in. I can not believe this time line is real.

  • During Robert F Kennedy Jr’s Senate confirmation hearing on 30 January, Angela Alsobrooks, a Democratic senator from Maryland, pressed the nominee on his past claims that Black people have a stronger immune system than white people and thereby, should receive vaccines on a different schedule than them. “What different vaccine schedule would you say I should have received?” Alsobrooks, who is Black, asked the health secretary nominee. Kennedy then referenced a “series of studies” showing that “to particular antigens, Blacks have a much stronger reaction”.

    I randomly rewatched The Help and one of the racist white ladies was talking about how black people have different germs. “How ridiculous,” I thought. And yet here we are.


  • I guess my issue is why the discomfort of some men is what dominated the conversation (in this instance). Men are also victims of murder, more so than women. But this thread went right into, “You’re making us feel attacked.” This wasn’t about them in this capacity. The energy wasn’t, "I wonder why that is, or, “me too” or even, “lol, hyperbole.” It’s like, “Me too” versus “what about me” energy.

    One of the highest posts (at the time of replying) is a damn near essay about how it’s worse for men when the post isn’t even denying that in the first place. Like, I don’t even disagree with it, but why are “you” on the defensive? If we’re on the same side, and both genders don’t want to be murdered, why did “You” come in with that energy? I could understand if they said “me too” and were hit with an essay in return, or silenced. But they weren’t (not that they should have been). Men didn’t join this conversation/thread and expand on the experience, they took it over and completely changed topic because (some of) their hurt feelings were more pressing than the concerns being referenced to. This meme didn’t even pick women out as the sole victim, and they still came in ready to yell over the hypothetical female victim of this hypothetical night crime.

    Their feelings being hurt outweighed any truth behind that meme. Their feelings outweighed concerns for their own safety. Their feelings outweighed any woman who did feel like that post was relatable, who could have shared tips or suggestions. If someone did that now, they would have to “prove” their point before they could address it, or that they’re not trying to say they hate xyz, they’re just trying to give tips, etc.,etc.

    This is not to say those mens’ feelings do not matter, nor that they should not be addressed in how we talk about violence, this is to say that this wasn’t about them, feelings or otherwise. It was about people, of any gender, who like going out at night, but sometimes get spooked. It was making a joke at how some activities aren’t always safe, and that sucks. If they saw themselves on the same side, I don’t know why they made it “male victim” VS “female victim” in the first place.

    (Sorry that this is long as hell. I’m a rambler.)